Friday, April 19, 2013

Amazing Science with Steve Spangler - YouTube

Brought to you by Izzy


Sabina✬✡✿☺ said...

Steve Spangler has done it again! I was really impressed with both experiments. The first one really related to our energy unit we had a while ago. It was amazing how the bowIing ball didn't actually hit Lauren. I feel sorry for Lauren. She must have been so scared after Steve released the bowling ball. I personally liked the second experiment the best. It is really crazy how the air pressure could crush the can. Now I know an easier way to crush cans than using my hands. I appreciate how Steve explains his experiments after/while he does them. Then I can really get a sense of what he is getting at. Overall, I learned a lot and I give this video an A+++.

Kallie said...

I really liked both experiments. In the first one, I have to agree with Sabina on everything she said. It did relate to our energy unit a lot, and I also feel sorry for Lauren. The second one was my favorite. I liked how all they had to do was drop the can into the cold water. I think that this might become an amazing invention if there was a machine that could do all that, because some people might be too lazy to do it all. I also agree with Sabina, I like how Steve Spangler explains his experiments instead of leaving the audience thinking that it was magic. There have been some better experiments and the explanations could have used a little more detail, but it was really good. Overall, I give this video an A.

Ethan said...

I really liked both experiments but I mainly liked the second one more because it was interesting and cool at the same time. I also liked the second one more because I didn't know much about air pressure but I knew about Kinetic, and Potential energy. All in all I really like Steve Spangler and all of his experiments. I would give this a 9.5/10.

Jahan said...

Steve Spangler does all sorts of interesting things, but it does not really involve much science. It is pretty cool what he does, but I feel that there could be more science in it. It is pretty good and all his experiments are amazing, but I feel that there is room for improvement. The crushing of the cans is really useful for recycling them, but I didn't really understand how he did it. Did he just put it in cold water? All in all, pretty good, but a lot of room for more science. A-

Alyssa said...

These were good experiments. I haven't seen them before. I already knew that a swinging object doesn't swing as much after one time, but I still would have been scared if I were Lauren. I wish he could explain more about the actual science behind all of these experiments and how it works, but it seems to me that he tries to just have fun and do the experiment. I also didn't know how he did things. This was an okay article and it was fun to watch these new experiments.

Chloe said...

J think that these experiments were really cool! :)
I did the trick with the cans at Harvard-Westlake as well. I think that the bowling ball one was also really cool. @Jahan, the reason why the cans got crushed, was because when the pressure outside, is greater than the pressure inside, the pressure is too much for the can to "handle", so it gets crushed. The vapor from the boiling water pushed air out of the can. When the can was filled with water vapor, you cooled it suddenly by inverting it in water. Cooling the can caused the water vapor in the can to condense, creating a partial vacuum. The low pressure of the partial vacuum inside the can made it able for the pressure on the outside of the can, to make it collapse. I agree with Jahan when he said that the experiments were cool, but he doesn't tell you in enough depth, how he does it, his purpose for doing it, and the reason why, what happens, happens.
Overall, I think this video was really cool.


Rachel said...

That's insane! I did this trick at Harvard Westlake orientation except we heated the can over a bunson burner and then quickly turned it over. I think this trick is very interesting because the pressure of the air pushing from the outside of the can is great enough to crush it. I think that the bowling ball trick was pretty cool. You only get as much energy you put in. If he would've given any more of a push, Lauren would have been decapitated. I love Steve Spangler and all the Ellen epioodes he is in. Overall I love this video. I give it an A+.

-ANNIE said...

Wow, I love Steve Spangler. He is such a good scientist! I was really surprised and impressed by both fun experiments. I agree that the first experiment really had to do with our energy unit. It was interesting though, how much energy you put into it, that is the energy it will take to come back. It is kind of like dribbling a basketball. You push or throw it down and it comes up with the same energy. Just now, I took a small bouncy ball and tossed it down to the ground, it came up right were I through it from. This is why it is so cool because it will work with many things. The second experiment was pretty cool also! I found the first one a little bit better because I don't really drink soda much so... I am wondering, we were asked in class to bring in soda/juice cans... does the experiment have anything to do with the experiment we are going to do in class? I liked the science to this experiment!
All in all this was a great video and I hope I can watch Steve Spangler again :)
:) XD :D