Friday, April 26, 2013

Amazing Mystery Liquid!

Brought to you by Annie


Izzy☆☺☮✌♥✎ said...

This is really awesome, but is it real? I know that one of the liquids poured in is some kind of soap since it left bubbles in the glass, but what kind? Did they cut a scene where they dropped dye in it? When they cleared the liquid back up, are they somehow sucking the dye through the straw? That's what Bryan and where discussing in Anrtho. That could be true, but there seem to be little particles left after the stirring happens. This is very mysterious, hence the name "Amazing Mystery Liquid!". It would be cool if they told us what the liquid was. Maybe it's edible? Maybe it's like ink or something. Who knows.

Eleya said...

I think Izzy is on to something. She is right about the bubbles in the wine glass to the right. The liquid took some time to react. So it could be a kind of chemical reaction with a delayed reaction. The other glass might nt have been filled with water it could have been something that gives the appearance of water but It really isn't. By stirring the two liquids it might have caused them to separate. The camera was cut after this scene so we have no idea if they mixed together again later on. As Izzy said the tape could have been cut but I find that highly unlikely because unless this person had some amazing software it would probably show up as a cut.

Adam ☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯☯ said...

This video is pretty cool because this liquid turns blue after like 10 seconds. Then if you stir it, it turns back to clear. i don't see how this could be real. I think that because when he stirred the liquid again there were bulbs of blue left.

Eva said...

I agree that the one of the glasses could've been used

Eva said...

Sorry, that was a mistake. Anyway, I agree with Izzy and Eleya that there could've been soap of some kind in the glass. But, I think that the most plausible answer is that there was a chemical reaction between the two things, and when they stirred the blue liquid again, it deactivated the chemical in it that made it blue and turned it back to being clear. So, the liquid could've been soap, but the other liquid would've had to be a type of chemical liquid that would make it have that kind of reaction. They also could've cut or altered the video to make it look like the blue was turning back to clear, but I still think that it was a chemical reaction. :) Cool, but it doesn't really explain anything and I think that it's probably really easy to make this chemical reaction (or effect).

Finn said...

Wow this is so cool! Adam if you look at the stopwatch it is like 30 sec. I am thinking that it is some kind of oil.

Really cool vid. Annie!

Elle~~Directioner ;) said...

Wow! I'm not exactly sure that this is real. I agree with Izzy, did they cut a scene where they dropped dye in it? But you never know, it was probably a chemical reaction that I'm missing. Anyway, this video was really cool. Thanks Annie!

Dylan said...

No, this has to be fake, however it could just be a chemical reaction. Although it was really weird how it became clear after they stirred the liquid. This was a cool but confusing and freaky video.

Jonah said...

I thought that this video was really cool, and the effect that the different liquids have when put together is really cool. There is one problem with this video that I have talked about in many other videos. There was no info telling how or why this reaction happened. I want to know what the two liquids were and why, when put together, they create that reaction. Also, could you use other different liquids. If so, what difference would it make. I also think that it would be very cool to see this experience live. The last thing is if the slo mo in the video was slowER then maybe we would be able to see more. I give this video an A-.

Corey said said...

I think that that was really cool. I think that there was something put inside the liquid that made it that color. I rate it an A- because I do not know if it is real like everyone else. Why does it take a specific amount of time. Is it really water.

Anonymous said...

Sophia said,

I thought that this was a chemical reaction. Maybe they could use this in magic shows. I also think that they army may use this. They could use it with the marines. They could use it on a sub in wen it is under waster if it had a glass of plastic casing around it and you filled it with the blue water than the enemy would not see you. This could also be a problem for the driver if they can't see throughout the water. Any way there is one more way you could use it... For fun with water guns and ballons, and also ice cubes. That is is the mixture does not have anything dangerous in it. Good by for now!!!

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Anonymous said...

Sophia said,

Sorry the ice cream cone got smushed!!!

Weston said...

Wow. This was pretty cool. We obviously know that the "Mystery Liquid" was in the cup that left bubbles behind, because the other one was normal water. It was real though, because when they stirred it up, it scrunched into little blobs.

Nicholas said...

This was for sure real and it was really cool. I think it is so amazing how this sort of delayed chemical reaction just turned blue, it did not fade blue. We know that it was probably dishwasher soap and water, so it was probably something in the dishwasher soap. That was really amazing, and a very interesting video. I just wish they could have explained what actually happened.

Alyssa said...

Wow! This was so cool! I think there were two entirely different liquids that made a chemical reaction when they formed chemical compounds. It was weird where the two liquids were together for a few seconds then POOF! the liquid turned into this dark, inky color. I think that the bubbles may have been caused when the liquid was being poured into the cups, like how you swirl water really fast and you see some bubbles. I wonder the chemical reaction happens later or earlier if you pour one jar of one liquid into the jar of the other liquid, rather than pouring both liquids in a totally different cup. I'm not sure you want to swim in it...

Gracie C. said...

I think that they definitely made it so that it looked like it was real but it isn't. I also think that is might be a chemical reaction because they might be stirring in a catalyst to make the water turn blue. Over all, this video was very interesting. I hope that there are more videos like this on the blog because it was maybe not real but it is real-ish.

Chris said Chris said...

After watching, I'm still not sure if that was real or not. If it was real, the delayed chemical reaction was really cool. I'm not sure what that liquid could be. I'm speculating that sparkling water was one of them.

Annie said...

This is awesome :)
I entirely agree with Nick!
This is real (in my opinion) because I did some more research on it and I think that it is the iodine clock reaction :) if you look at this video:

it looks pretty much the same.
I agree that there was absolutely no information, that is why I did the research :) XD
I think one of the liquids is iodine, but this is really confusing :)

Hope you guys liked it!
:0 :)

Kallie said...

This is cool, but it could have used some explanation. If it's not real, then that's probably why there's no explanation, but I think that this is real. I think that when the 2 liquids from the cups on the side combine, a chemical reaction happens and it turns blue, but it is probably delayed because the liquid in the middle cup is trying to separate them. When the liquid is stirred, I think that either the stirring helps the middle liquid separate the 2 liquids again, or it might have something to do with blood testing. The middle liquid is probably like the anti-serum and the 2 liquids on the side combined are probably like the blood, but the anti-serum (middle liquid) would have to be EXTREMELY strong for that much clumping to occur.

Gurl, you know it's Bryan said...

This video was pretty cool but I think was all an illusion. Since there is no scientific proof of why the water changes color, I don't think it's real. There are no hard facts about the reason. I think they at the ending, they could have put dye in the straw and just reversed it. Overall, cool.

Hey Girl Hey I'm Simone...jk its Rachel said...

This video is pretty cool. But I kind of think it is not real. It is just an illusion. I would have liked if they explained what was going on in the video. I agree with Izzy and Elle. I think they might have dropped dye in and cut the scene out.

Overall I think there is no way this could be real, unless it is a certain liquid. Or It could be a special clear dye when mixed when something else it turns blue. I give this video a B+.

Bianca :) said...

Wow! That was amazingly short and not informative. :P It was pretty cool to see though. I dont know if it is food dye because it would not just stir our like that...It was weird how it didn't even transition into blue just became blue. I would give it an B+-A-

Miles said...

This was extremely cool although it was not very informative. I would have liked to know more about how this process is created and what makes the liquid react and turn black. I would also have liked to know how the water turns clear just by stirring it.

Savi :) said...

As Izzy said, is this real? There could have easily been food dye or something added to the liquid. If this is real, I think it has something to do with the soap and the ice. I think this has to do with soap because if you look at the glass on the left, you can see of the soap bubbles, but then again it may not be soap. Maybe they combined some liquids together to make the soapy water/liquid thing. With the ice, you can see the ice in the glass especially when he mixed it, so I think it may have to do with heat. Which is a coinky-dink, because we are learning heat transfer. Maybe Ms. Ghazarian purposely chose this video to see if some people may notice it (I did because I am sooo smart!). As Adam said, there was drops of blue in it, but I think he thinks it is fake. The drops of blue make me rethink this thing because why would they purposely leave it in. Or they were trying to trick someone like me into thinking it was real but really it isn't. They obviously are smart so they probably think of every detail. Is it a they or a he? Is it a he or a she? Is it real or not? Seems like it's mysteries going on.

I just want to find these people and just hold them down 'til they tell me the truth because I am DYING to know. Then again... I am not that strong so they/he/she probably will be the one holding ME down. But being small has it's advantages because if they aren't focused you may be able to slip out of the person/people holding you down. Yet, if there are more than one, it would be harder because as I said before they are smart. So they probably would have people at the doors trying to catch me if I run. Then again... if there was an air vent, I probably could slip into that. The person seems a little heavy so he might not be able to catch me :)

Well, if I leave, tell them that one of their prime suspects of my kidnapping is that person. Then they may find me. But then again, you may want me to go die... which I highly doubt because I am so lovable!

Dylan said...

I agree with the comments about putting soap into the cups, yet I still don't think that's what happened. I am so clueless and desperate about this article I just decided to look through all the comments and I still didn't find anything. I reeeeaaalllyyyy want to know, but I don't think I will.