Friday, April 26, 2013

Secret Signals

Brought to you by Sabina

Chemicals called pheromones act as messengers between individuals. Many plants and animals — including squid — respond to such secret chemical signals. 
Credit: Roger T. Hanlon

1 comment:

Eva Loves Smudgeee said...

I thought that this was a relatively interesting article. I knew about pheromones before reading it, but I didn't think about them in the way that females can attract males (in the context of insects and animals) and things like that. I have to say, there isn't really much more to say about the article. It was interesting, but at the same time, a little bit boring. I didn't feel like the discovery was big enough to have an article about it, and should've had a little bit more information about other things that were discovered about insects and other animals that send out pheromones.