Friday, March 1, 2013

BP Oil Spill Clean-Up Tech - YouTube


Jahan said...

The technology is amazing, but it is sad how oil can spill. The "Swift spill separator" is really cool, how it can stop the spill from spreading. I think the technology is so amazing and the powder that binds the molecules is awesome. I think that many years later, our technology will become so advanced that the spills will have very little effect on the environment.

Izzy☆☺☮✌♥✎ said...

This video was sad, but I think it was okay. I wish it had a bit more information, but like Jahan said, the technology will be so much better in the future, oil spills most likely will not affect the environment as much as it did. Like I said in the blog post about the animals, the poor animals can't control anything. Their natural habitat was getting destroyed, and people need to be aware of that. I tried to watch another video on this, but it was just to upsetting. I think that having the public give suggestions on what BP should make to help stop the oil spills is a good idea. Others should have a say on what going on, and who knows, someone could up with something that could change the idea of an oil spill forever.
Overall, I think that this video was okay, but it did get me more interested in the topic than I already am.

Bianca :) said...

This video is very interesting. I think they should use some of the new ideas, because some of the new ideas might be even better than the old ones. I think it is great they are trying out one new one, but I personally think they should try out more. I do agree with the guy that the way they solve the oil spill isn't as important as them solving it. It is scary to think that humans caused this. This was a man made disaster, and this just shows that you have to be careful. In the oil spill experiment we have to be careful too. I think we should try to enhance the technology and equipment for things like this. Things like this: anything that is already a big threat and as caused much damage)

Weston said...

Well, this article kind of makes me sad. The fact that we could be cleaning up the oil very quickly yet we aren't is just preposterous. We should do what we can to save the wild life and not dilly dally.

Anonymous said...

Matthew said...

I think that all of the methods for cleaning up oil spills are great, but why don't they use them instead of just talking about them. They should use all of the technology for maximum results. As Nike's slogan says; "Just do it."

Corey said...

I think that it was cool that they could get all that footage. I think that it is really scary what oil spills can do. It is really scary that all the marine life get affected this badly. I think that it is good that we are getting all this new technology for oil spills so nobody gets harmed.

Elena said...

This was really sad. Just like the animals in a post later in the blog, the shore is soon going to be ruined. I don't know exactly what caused the BP oil spill, but I heard about it on the news, and I think it was around 2 years ago. Knowing that it was two years ago, or so, is sad because it's taking them a long time to clean it up. As we learned in experimentation, oil needs the PERFECT material, and perfect solution to be fully soaked up, and the longer you take, the bigger the spill will get.
I agree with Bianca; they should use new ideas, but what if the new ideas are expensive, or time consuming, possibly even more than the ones they have now?
There are many problems with oil spills, and, again, as I learned in experimentation, at least with our oil, right as we put it in the water, it expanded, possibly even doubling its size. I think that this is a sad thing that is happening all around the world, and we need to find the quickest, more efficient clean-up solution quickly, or else more spills will keep happening, more people and animals will be affected, and we will waste more money on cleaning them up.

Elena said...

Another question I had, was how was the oil on fire, in the water? That's kind of confusing.

dylan said...

This technology is very good. I liked the "Swift Ship" because it's very well thought out. The retriever gets all the water, and the oil displaces the oil under the vessel and not the water. Also when you are full you can close the door and offload. This technology is great but I have a feeling it will backfire more times than it will work.

dylan said...

The "Whale" is supposed to collect 20,000,000 gallons of water and oil per day, which is amazing. NPU is great because it makes the oil easier to remove after binding oil molecules. It can absorb 25,000 barrels of oil. This is very good that they have the materials, but all they have to do know is try to prevent oil spills from keep happening.

dylan said...

The "Whale" is supposed to collect 20,000,000 gallons of water and oil per day, which is amazing. NPU is great because it makes the oil easier to remove after binding oil molecules. It can absorb 25,000 barrels of oil. This is very good that they have the materials, but all they have to do know is try to prevent oil spills from keep happening.

Adam said...

This video was very interesting because there were a lot of machines and technology that I had not heard of before. The fact the the Whale could collect up to 20,000,000 gallons of oil a day is amazing. I thought that skimmers were small little machines, but then I saw the Whale. It was like the size of a cruse ship! This was very interesting video. Over all I give this video a A-.

Tessa :) said...

It is absolutely devastating that oil spills happen. However it is phenomenal that there is such excellent technology that can help clean them up. Judging by the experiment we did in class, it is quite hard to clean up an oil spill. That powder that they haven't yet started to use looks like it will really benefit hazardous oil spills. Not only does it absorb the oil, but it looks like it would be easy to clean up. It reminds me a lot about the wood chips and sorbents. I found this video interesting. Hopefully people will raise awareness about oil spills and they will not happen anymore.

Jacob said...

This video was fascinating! It amazed me that technology was that advanced. The one bad thing about the video was that I don't think that the oil separator will be able to clean up the whole gulf. Another thing that the video didn't mention was the cost of the separator and the budget that they had. Still, this was a very interesting video.

Savi said...

The 'Swift Spill Separator" seems cool especially because it has Swift in it... The technology is great and I can just wonder what it would be like in the future. I think this post and the rest of the posts for this week are pretty cool and they are all about oil spill. This is also very sad, because the oil spill can ruin the animal's health. I hipe that in the future there will be less oil spills.

Sabina๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿถ said...

This video is very interesting and sad. I feel really sorry for the animals who had their natural habitat destroyed. People need to be more careful when managing oil. I agree with Jahan. I think that as time goes by, people will invent new ways to clean up oil spills. I also think that it is a good idea that they ask people for ideas on how to clean up the oil spill. We always need new and better ideas, so we can have less and less oil spills, eventually leading to none. This will be very hard, because cleaning up an oil spill is a challenge in itself. When I tested my oil, two of my materials didn't really clean up the oil. For instance, in our freshwater experiment, the paper towel, made the oil into a bunch of spots instead of absorbing it and in both, the freshwater and the saltwater, the liquid detergent blended right in and didn't collect any oil. For the people who want to invent good ways of cleaning up oil, I wish them good luck!

Bryan said...

I think that new solutions for oil spills is a great idea. But even though people may have great ideas, some of them can be too expensive or just can not be done. So I also think it a good to let the thinking to the professionals or just stick with the originals cleaners. The vessel machine that the guy was talking about was really interesting, but a bit confusing. I think that this video was a bit sad but interesting as well. Overall, a very touching video.

Oscar said...

I think this is a way of learning. If you look at the video it is basically saying that they are trying to do their best. Also it helps us with our oil spill project as well. As Izzy said this is terrible to see. All this affects nature, even the food cycle. I think having the public help is amazing. It helps recognize that they do have a say in stuff. Overall this video was interesting. I give it a thumbs up.

Andrew said...

I think that it was a little bit sad that the wildlife was dying. I think that BP could accept some of the technology and use it. I think in the future some of the new technology can prevent oil spills from happening, and never have a huge crisis. A rate this video a 7/10

Chris said...

I think giving the public a chance to submit is an amazing idea. The public usually has the best ideas. However, I think they should actually use some of the ideas. Even though they did use some, the ones that they only used a few. I think that the huge skimmer is really cool. I also think that they should use all the materials they can get their hands on. I think this would be a logical way to use some of the materials:

Use a boom
Use something that brings the oil together or a dispersant
Use a skimmer or sorbent
Use any more new technologies suggested by the public.
Overall I thought that this was very interesting

Yu-Kai said...

This was a pretty interesting video. I think that the problem is not the spilling, but the fact that we use oil at all. These days we have so much technology to prevent oil spills from happening, but at what cost? Eventually we will run out of oil, and if we have not adapted by then, we will have no electricity or anything. Another problem that arises is the fact that we are wasting oil that has been spilled by burning it, or doing other "preventive" measures to destroy oil. What I'm saying, essentially, is that we should not waste what we already have, and in the meantime help develop safer, more reliable energy sources. Think back, waaaay in the beginning of the year, when we did the Energy Debate. We were arguing about which energy source was the best. Now, though, it's clear that petroleum is most definitely NOT the best energy source. Also, in answer to Elena's question about burning oil, you can light oil on fire while it is in the water because it is not in the water, it is floating above.

Natasha said...

This video was upsetting because I thought it was horrible that our earth is getting destroyed because of the massive oil spills. This one was humungous and that is a big problem. It was also sad that the animals are getting hurt. Hopefully in the future, there will be better technologies to use to clean up oil spills in the most efficient way. I know that they came up with examples, I just don't think they were all that good. But that is my opinion. Anyway, I thought that the speaker wasn't all that good either. This video gets a 7.5 out of 10.

Chloe said...

I think that these people are honestly, trying really hard to pick up the oil that they spilled. I think that the cool white powder, could really be effective. What if, they could get the water out from the top, and reuse it, so that it's not completely wasted? I think that if people used that boat that sucked up the water, and left it out to dry, because the water will dry faster, the oil (or at least some of it) will be left behind, which then, can be reused. I also agree with Yu-Kai when he said that we really need to stop relying so much on oil. If we use up all the oil, that we barely have, might I add, we are going to be completely lost because no one decided to think of a more effective way for electricity. Overall, I think this video was very interesting, and the way they cleaned up the oil was fascinating! :)
(this is chloe, the twihard<3)

Annie said...

Woah! I like how they talked a lot about what materials they are using to clean it up. Skimmer and sorbents :)! The powder they used looks really effective and should be used more. This was a really big and sad event. I feel bad for the animals :)! I agree that we should not rely on oil so much! This was very cool to watch.

Miles said...

The new ways of cleaning up oil are extremely cool. How the MPU was really cool. These ways of cleaning up oil are very affective, but we still need better ways to help clean animals. These tools would hurt the animals rather than helping them. This video was pretty cool.

Alyssa said...

This video was interesting because it talked about how people tried to clean up the oil spill and the variety of options to clean it up. I also think that they could have told us more information, but I got a general idea about the BP oil spill and how it is currently being cleaned up. There is going to be much better technology later on, but we can't wait that long because animals and their habitats are still being destroyed and beaches will continue to stay messed up. I like that I could connect what we learned in class to these oil spill videos like skimmers, sorbents, and dispersants and other things like booms and oil tankers. This was a good article and it provided a good explanation about what happened and what people are doing about it.

Nicholas said...

This was a fascinating video. That is a big oil spill, and it is good that they are coming up with new technology to help. This video talked about all the different ways that an oil spill can be cleaned. I really hope that they can come out with more technology so that oil spills won't have such a big impact.

Aiden said...

I think it's amazing how much advanced technology is available for oil spills, and how with all of those fascinating tools oil spills are still very dangerous and an extremely difficult task for the world. I understand that we don't have an unlimited supply of those technologies, and oil spills can't be planned for in advance. When oil spills happen, technologies needed are very expensive and may take many days to construct, transport, and deploy in the spill area, and by then the spill could be beyond repair.

Kyle said...

This video kind of bummed me out. With the economy dropping and pollution increasing, this didn't help my mood. It is however, cool that they showed many of the ways to clean up oil, such as booms, swift spill separators, skimmers, and even buckets. I'm surprised that oil is so thick and shimmery like mercury.