Friday, March 15, 2013

How Weather Sparks The Flu: It's All About The Humidity

Flu peaks in temperate zones when the humidity is low. In the tropics, it surges when it's humid and rainy.

Natural Gas Dethrones King Coal As Power Companies Look To Future

American Electric Power's natural gas-burning plant in Dresden, Ohio, is one of the energy company's new investments in alternatives to coal-burning plants.
Michael Williamson/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Starbucks Admits Its Strawberry Drinks Are Colored with Crushed Parasitic Beetles

Brought to you by Elle

Bad News for Big Bird

Brought to you by Jahan

Humans have tried to save the California condor, but a new study reveals that lead poisoning remains a threat to the endangered species. 
Credit: Susan Haig, U.S. Geological Survey

Watch Liquid Bounce Off Amazing New Superomniphobic Material - Video

Brought to you by Faith

Quadrocopter Pole Acrobatics - YouTube

Brought to you by Weston

Bees Learn the Electric Buzz of Flowers

Brought to you by Faith

On the right-hand halves of flowers, a dusting of electrically charged particles (color in adjacent rectangle) reveals natural patterns. Bees can sense at least simple patterns in floral electrical charges, new research says. 
Credit: D. Clarke et al./Science 2013

Steve Spangler Shoots the Audience With Smoke! -YouTube

Brought to you by Bryan

Steve Spangler and Ellen DeGeneres make giant smoke rings as part of a demonstration… (from Steve Spangler/ )

Friday, March 1, 2013

BP Oil Spill Clean-Up Tech - YouTube

Slick Solution: How Microbes Will Clean Up the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Tiny bacteria, such as Alcanivorax borkumensis pictured here, will ultimately clean up the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Image: Courtesy of Heimholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI)

Oil Spills and Marine Life - YouTube

Oil Spills in the Ocean and Oil Pollution - YouTube

Oil from Deepwater Horizon Disaster Entered Food Chain in the Gulf of Mexico

Oil rig in Gulf of Mexico. 
(Credit: Photo by James Pierson.)

Research, Responses for Future Oil Spills: Lessons Learned from Deepwater Horizon

A view of the oil source as seen during an overflight on May 20, 2010.
 (Credit: NOAA)

A Complete Solution for Oil-Spill Cleanup

Oil Consumption by Country