Monday, May 6, 2013

Boneworms' Secret Revealed

Chris Gash


Nicholas said...

I had zero idea about how Boneworms eat or what they eat, but now I know. I think it is kind of cool how they can absorbs liquids from whale blowhole carcasses. It is cool how they have all these enzymes and protons pumps to help them absorb it. It is also cool how these enzymes and stuff exist in all creatures, even humans. So even though this was a short article, it had a lot to say.

Yu-Kai said...

I, like Nick, had no idea about boneworms. I also think it awesome that bone worms can just eat through bone. I liked this article because it was short and to the point, but I'd really like some more elaboration on the topic such as things like "What are proton pumps?" and "How do they survive in such odd places?"