Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ditching Gadgets May Boost Creativity

Brought to you by Chloe



Eva said...

This is a really interesting article. The realization that phones and other electronic devices are a distraction and can decrease mental abilities such as creativity is something that a lot of people have been waiting for a long time to prove. It is said that it is possible the test results just had to do with the fact that they were in a forest, and that might've helped them, but this conclusion at the end makes perfect sense. When our minds are cleared, we can think more clearly and be able to piece together things and thing more creatively. Being in the wilderness is very peaceful, and there is usually not too much noise, so there is a high probability that that had something to do with it. I also think that taking the test in a zone where the test doesn't really seem like a test (unlike in a classroom environment) could've helped the peoples' results. The people who were tested in the forest could've been more creative altogether, though, or maybe had a more complex way of piecing things together. There are many things that could've gotten in the way of the results, and I understand that, but this really does make sense and is a big discovery in the world of science and mental health.

Adam said...

I agree with Eva. i se how this works and have my own theory to. If you told someone to not use their phone two days before a test they would say no way. After you tell them about this article there is a chance that they will listen so next time my mom tells me not to use my iPod while I am studying, I might listen. Over all i give this article a B+.

Alyssa said...

I agree with Eva. I see how this can change people's minds and clear them to be more creative. Not using electronics can clear our minds and be able to think better. This was an interesting article because the wilderness backpacking for four days without electronic devices helped with people's creativity. It was cool to find out that the people who gave the tests and conducted this experiment found out that people can anser a few more questions right if they did not use electronics for a few days. This is a big discovery on how people can be better at piecing things together.

Christopher Pollack said...

This is a really cool article! I totally see how nature can change somebody's mind if they don't have electronics there. Most people would absolutely despise it if you took away all of their electronics for four days. Without electronics, and most importantly electronic games, for four days is a good way to take people's mind off of electronics and really put them into a thinker's mind, which is why I think that this worked. However, there are many flaws to this survey. First, the people they tested second could have been smarter and the test could have had no effect before. Also, some people just might know that better. Even if you tested the same people twice, if they know better the second time it could have flaws. Then again, there are no surveys without flaws. I think the results would have been a little bit better if they had tested the same people. We will never know if these results are correct, but if they send more people out and do this survey multiple times, then it will probably become more accurate. Overall, it is interesting that if you go without electronics, that you're problem solving skills would be better. I think that more people should do this and see if it works. I think that all people should do this once a year and their problem solving skills will be a lot better.

Jahan said...

This was good, but the website was incredibly laggy. It had a good topic that could help people generations to come. We think that gadgets are necessary . I agree with Chris about how gadgets are not necessary. Electronics can stimulate your senses, but are not necessary. I wonder what would happen to an electronic junky if he/she would survive. We now think that electronics are necessary for a good and happy life. We have the feeling that without electronics, people would be very unhappy and feel that part of life is missing. On the other hand, their creativity will go up and would be smarter than if they had kept the electronics.

Elena said...

I thought that this article was very interesting. I agree with Eva; electronics are a HUGE distraction. Sometimes, people need a break from a screen because their brain will start to become accustomed to looking at a screen. Electronics are a way of procrastinating from going outside, doing homework, etc. People need a break sometimes. Electronics are also, in the case of iPods and iPhones, have small screens. Electronics are just looking at one small screen for a while, whereas nature is a vast area that has endless possibilities. I enjoyed this article because it showed me that leaving your device at home is OK, because you need to go out and stop relying on your iPhones and iPods so much. This article was overall really interesting and I'd give it an A+!

Josh said...

This summer I went to a sleep away camp. We were not allowed to use any technology, and I felt more focused and relaxed. I have no doubt this could be a result of having no homework, or projects, but I think that the electronics did play a big role.

Nicholas said...

I believe this article was very interesting. The survey was obviously flawed, but as Chris said, most are. Taking the same people would have made the results more accurate. It is true that electronics today have become an important part of people's life. I'm writing this on a laptop, while watching a football game. Going outside really can help somebody. I feel a better when I am outside. Mostly cause that is when I am playing sports, but that is beside the point. This was a great article!

Dylan said...

I agree with Eva also, to find out that phones and electronic devices were a distraction and can cause bad things to happen to your sense of creativity is actually pretty interesting. This is a great article considering it teaches children, and maybe even adults that you really shouldn't use these tricky little gadgets. I always knew that my parents were always right when they said playing with your phones was wrong. Knowing that that they were right I still did it and I did even worse than my bad score last time i got one. So, the point is you should not play with your little gadgets. (Not saying you can keep using BIG gadgets) I guess my parents were... right!

Ethan said...

I thought that this article was very cool and I agree with it. I have the experiance of going into the wild without and electronics and it does help. I had a chance to look at the wild and it was amazing. You can't get to see the wild like this on a smart phone. I really liked this article and it was really cool.

Grace C. said...

I agree with Eva on the last part. She was saying how being in a test taking environment like a classroom could affect the score. Also, they were talking about just taking a hike! What if you were ditching gadgets, but you were at a museum, or running, or taking a trip! Wouldn't that mean that you would still do better on the test! The wilderness may be peaceful, but a museum could be too! Some gadgets you seriously cannot live without though. A phone, for instance can get you out of a lot of trouble. You should use it to call 911 your your parents!! You basically in the modern world cannot go without electronics, and that is a point to be taken.

Grace said...

This article is very interesting because when you have your iPhone, iPad, or any kind of electronic when you are taking a hike or solving a math problem you rely on the answer the electronic gives you. But if you were to not use any electronics you would be able to use the frontal lobe in your brain which does the problem solving. Then if the person does not have an electronic in the future they will be able to deal with the problem a lot better than if the person had been relying on a gadget their entire life. Then they would not know what to do? Also if you do not have a calculator for math for example, and you didn't know how to solve the problem you would be in a big pickle. So you need to practice using your brain, and training the brain to think of ways to help yourself. Then if you were on a hike, and you needed directions but you left your phone at home. You will need to think what way did I go before? Then you could get back to where you started, and you will know where you are. It is amazing how many gadgets have been sold this year! It is over 1 million! If a kid were to read a book, or do a page of math everyday instead of going on your gadget. Your brain will work things out a lot better then they would if you rotted your brain with junk on a screen. Did you know that when you watch TV, or go on a computer your brain cells die? Well they do. It is also way more fun to go outside, take a walk, play with friends, read a book, make a drawing, make even a picture out of peanut butter than to stare at a screen for hours a day! I hope that one day people will start to realize that reading is more educational, fun, and better for your brain in the future.

Chloe said...

Electronic devices are basically taking over the lives of this generation. People are using these electronics as an excuse to be lazy. If we keep doing this at this rate, we will become like the people in Wall-E, and let me assure you... that would NOT be fun. I thought about this article a bit over the winter break when we were at a zoo in Hawaii. I said to my parents, why did we have to come here? Daniel can just look at the animals on the internet! 1) its not smelly 2) we don't have to walk 3) you don't have to pay for admission 4) the animals are still (if they are wilder than the other animals)
5) you can watch videos of animal actually interacting and being interesting.
6) you don't have to be in hot/cold/windy/rainy weather
and then I thought about what I said. I realized what technology has been doing to us. We are now relying on mainly technology to get through with our daily lives. This may seem better for us now because it doesn't require as much work and effort, but then we will forget how to do things the normal and manual way. This is also reducing the level of creativity because kids don't have to think about how to do things like they used to have to back in the days. They just have everything on the iPads, iPods, laptops, computers, etc. Kids should get away from all this, and theri intelligence level with boost up significantly! :)
I think that this article should be an inspiration for all of us to get ut there and stop using electronics for everything... (especially me!)

Rachel said...

I agree with Chloe. Electronics are taking over our lives. We use them a lot throughout out the day. People are more focused when they are not using their devices. I notice myself getting more done when I put my phone done and actually focus on my work or whatever I am doing. I also think it is really cool that not using our electronics can boost our problem solving skills. Spending some time outside can boost your creativity. If we put down our phones and go outside, I think we would relax and enjoy ourselves a little bit more.

Miles said...

This article is very interesting. People use electronics to solve their problems, but when working them out on your own it helps you understand it a lot more. It seems gadgets are taking over many people's life's and doesn't help us comprehend things as well. I think it is really interesting how hiking for four days helped improve scores on a test. I think it the peaceful wilderness helped them think.

Tessa said...

This is a really fascinating article. I think that we as people have become less educated over these past years. All we do anymore is play on our electronic devices. When somebody is alone, with fresh air blowing in their face they have a rush of creativity. A feeling that they may want to write a story of sing a song. However when you have your i pad in your hand you just want to play doodle jump of post a picture on facebook. This is a great discovery and I without a doubt would ADORE to learn more about it.

Cybella said...

I agree with Chloe. Most people use their electronics for most of the day. Hardly anybody takes walks instead of playing video games. If we keep it up, then soon, we will all become robots.

Mila said...

I totally agree with this article at first when school started I was watching T.V. on school nights and i was not doing that well in school accept for a few classes, my parents saw this and told me that I am not aloud to watch T.V. except for weekends, breaks, things like that and since i have stopped watching tv and have been able to focus on my work instead of when the next episode of Full House is my grades have improved so much so I completely believe that dropping the remote controls can not only boost creativity but make your grades improve. All in all I thought that this was an amazing article and that everything they say is right so next time when you rush to finish your homework to watch an episode that you have seen before or something that you have recorded think again and check your homework and possibly do it again. It is also better to let it record cause after the show is finished you can fast forward through the commercials, at least on my tv. And about an episode that you have seen record it if it is that important to you cause most of the shows that I watch twice aren't funny because I know what is going to happen.