Monday, November 5, 2012

Schools Attempt to Ban Flamin' Hot Cheetos


oscar said...

With all of the kids who have eaten FH cheetos including me i really think they should ban the FH Cheetos. All the salt an artificial flavor there is a chance for people to have cancer or some other type of sickness. Although people love them they have to say to themselves are these really good for you.

Grace C. said...

I do not think that they should ban hot cheetos. If you are going to ban one kind of chips, why wouldn't you ban Doritos, which also have food coloring, or Pringles, which have extremely high salt content. I think that people should learn to read the serving size on the back of the bag and stick to that. I am including myself in that group of people. If we stick to the serving size and don't eat entire bags of hot cheetos, we wouldn't be at risk of certain diseases. Also, you shouldn't eat them every day. It would be good for a once in a while treat, not an every day snack.

Ethan said...

ethan said...
I agree with Oscar I think that they should ban FH Cheetos I know kids who eat them twice a day and when they come over to my house there fingers are bright red because they just ate FH Cheetos. They also are really unhealthy. They have a lot of sodium and calories in 1 bag. I think they should ban them from schools and kids should start eating other chips.

Natasha said...

I definitely agree with Gracie. If they were to ban chips, why not any of the food coloring. I don't understand why people have to band FH Cheetos. I do understand that FH Cheetos are bad for your health and you can get diseases from them, but what if you only eat them once in a while? But I do think kids should start worrying about their health.

Mila said...

I don't think it is worth it to ban flaming hot cheetos, so what if kids eat them everyday. It is their parents who should tell them not to eat them. It is not a teacher's place to go around banning snacks. I believe that if it is just for the nutritional value and coloring, why not ban flavored ruffles or doritos. I thought that this was incorrect to ban these chips.

Ian said...

I agree with Mila in saying the that if the kids eat the hot cheetos, its up to their parents to say "No" also, I like the point Grace C. made when she brought up Doritos. Why not ban Doritos too? Grace, I'm pretty sure with the small bags the serving size IS a whole bag. I have mixed feelings on if they ban it or not. I think they should because of the unhealthy contents, but not because, like I said earlier, I think its up to the parents to decide.

Faith said...

I agree with both Gracie and Oscar with this articule. I personally don't think they should BAN hot cheetos, but they shouldn't totally 100% except them either. I mean like Mila said that is not really worth banning hot cheetos. Personally I dislike hot cheetos anyway so I am not the best person to judge. But I think (going back to what Gracie said) that they not be an everyday snack but a treat. Even though some scientists may say hot cheetos "hyperpalatable" It would probably be low in addiction. Take chocolate for example, I mean (most of us) like to have it but we don't like eat it regularly because we can CONTROL the habit same with hot cheetos. So on a scale of addiction from chocolate to cigarettes hot cheetos would be about the same level of chocolate.

Sabina said...

I know that this is a weird statement, but I think that they shouldn't ban them and should at the same time. They should ban them because if hot cheetos are that unhealthy, I understand that they don't want to get in trouble for unhealthy kids. But as much as I don't like hot cheetos and am against kids eating such unhealthy food, I also think that they shouldn't ban them. I mean, they aren't in charge of what kids eat. The only person/people that can ban a child from eating hot cheetos is their parents. Like Faith, I don't like cheetos, so I can't really judge them.

Eva said...

I think that by saying this, schools are being EXTREMELY hypocritical. First of all, school lunches at some schools, including desserts, are WAY more unhealthy than Hot Cheetos. Also, considering the amount of overweight kids in the United States, schools should be spending their time arranging fundraisers that will help children lose weight, not going on about Hot Cheetos. If schools really want to do something about the addiction, they should talk to the company that makes them and make them take a break. If schools aren't going to do anything big to make an impact, nothing will happen. They should understand that.

Grace said...

I think it would be good if we just got rid of chips at school. Junk food gives you no energy for the day. At breakfast lunch and dinner you should be having protein and vegetables. If you eat junk food at school, you will just be lousy in all your classes, and not at your full and maximum abilities. You can have some junk food as a treat for some occasions, but you should not have it regularly.

Bryan said...

I agree completely! They should ban FH Cheetos it is not good for kids health. This snack is full of calories and fat. It's not good for kids to eat them even while they're still growing. They have made a good choice to ban them. It is also bad because kids can spread germs sharing these snacks. Kids also eat this instead of lunch? WOW, kids should be eating healthy and nutritious lunches. Lunches with fruits and vegetables, not greasy and junky snack that are not helpful to you metabolism. Overall, an article that can teach kids to eat healthier things.

Jahan said...

I like these types of cheetos, but I agree. They are extremely unhealthy and have all sorts of bad things, such as fat, salt, and a ton of bad chemicals. It should be banned.

Grace C. said...

I agree with Mila and Faith. I also agree with Ian because I forgot to mention that it was a big bag that I was talking about, because nobody wants a single-serving bag of hot cheetos, right? I agree with Mila and Faith because they state that parents should choose, not schools. A family is in charge of what those particular people are allowed to do, eat, and drink, so why should a school but in on good parenting? An easy way for schools to get out of this problem is to serve healthy lunches that may include chips, but also have fruits and vegetables, which provide vitamins and minerals. Parents should really be the judge of this, so parents, what do you say? Banned or not for hot cheetos?

Dylan said...

I also agree with Mila because if you like flamin' hot cheetos and you think it's wrong to ban them your parents should make the dicision to ban them.

Dylan said...

Flamin' hot cheetos isn't healthy for kids to eat so i think they should ban them, but I understand why some people don't want them to ban them.

Dylan said...

Flamin' hot cheetos isn't healthy for kids to eat so i think they should ban them, but I understand why some people don't want them to ban them.

Emilynne said...

I agree with Grace C. Schools have a good point: Flaming Hot Cheetos are unhealthy and can give you bad diseases. But any food can give you that. Ok, next point. They (the schools) say that kids that eat Flaming Hot Cheetos (we'll call them FHC) leave red fingerprints. Umm, the students can't wash their hands? Next. They're too popular. I think you should just monitor how many bags of FHC each student eats. If they eat too many, tell them to eat less. If they eat too many again, send a note to their parents. I mean, like Eva said, schools are just being picky. Why not ban Ruffles? Or Doritos? What about Lays? Why are they picking on FHC? I really think that if they are that concerned about kids eating FHC, they should just bring it up when the teachers meet with the parents. Then the parents can decide whether to ban them or not.

Anonymous said...

Matthew said...

I agree with oscar that Flaming Hot Cheetos should be ban. What if instead af playing at recess you ate Flaming Hot Cheetos. First of all you wont be geting the physical activity that you should be getting. Second of all how many chemicals are in one bag, and how many empty calories are you consuming. What I mean by that is how many calories af food that is not going to give you energy are you taking in.

Chloe said...

I love hot cheetos. However, I have learned, from personal experience, that they are really bad for you, and they can become REALLY addicting. The amount of, MSG, salt, and calories is exceeding. I agree with Mila and Ian when they said that it is up to the parents. A teacher can't tell the parents what to feed their children, unless it is a health teacher, but the parents still don't have to listen. The parents should see the nutrition list on the back and be able to determine if this snack is right for their children or not. I believe that if you can resist the urge from eating them everyday, that would be a lot better. If you eat them.... maybe... 1 or twice every month or so, it wouldn't bring you much harm. Overall, I think that schools shouldn't ban hot cheetos because kids should know that they shouldn't be eating these everyday. It's not even just hot cheetos, they shouldn't be eating ANY type of unhealthy chips everyday. THey should know how to control what they eat and when.

Nicholas said...

Every food that kids like is unhealthy. Why not just go ahead and make fruits and vegetables the only foods the kids can eat? This is the parent's choice, not the kids, not the schools, not the government, the parents. They say they also care about the red fingerprints, but I think that is really 2nd place to health. It's a little bit of a stretch, but by banning them your are putting them in the same category as cigarettes and alcohol. Do you have to be over 21 to buy them. A new right for being an adult? Kids don't have to eat them at school. And why are they only putting these things on kids? Adults are the ones who watch football 12 hours straight on Sunday and eat bad food. People are always talking about the future of America but what about the now. You should also consider all the consequences. The economy would go down for one. If you only ban FH cheetos, people will still eat so many other things, to the point where, like I said in the beginning of the article, only fruits and vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would like to use taking candy from a baby as an analogy. Why not just teach the baby to not like candy, instead of having to take it away deliberately. Doing this will educate kids. Banning something is proven to only make kids want it more. If you don't make such a big fuss over it, the kids won't want to eat it all that much. That's why people go to places the day they close, to enjoy it one last time. It is also kind of offensive to not trust kids. We can make the right decision.

Corey said...

Schools should not ban food. I do not think that the school should be involved with what the children eat. I see no reason why kids can't have cheetos. They are delicious and should be allowed to eat. If they have not already been banned then why do it now.

Adam said...

I can see why Ian posted this and he is probably very upset to hear this news. This was pretty interesting because even though I am not a big fan of them my self but this seems a little extreme. This was pretty interesting over all.

Miles said...

I honestly love Flamin' Hot Cheetos but I can see why some people want it banned. I can't see which side is better. I agree with Adam it seems a bit extreme to ban them from school. I think that this is a very interesting topic.

Rachel said...

I don't like Flamin' Hot Cheetos but I think it is a little extreme to ban them from school. The school have a point that they are really unhealthy. The amounts of MSG, sodium, calories and fat content are very high. This would be a really cool topic to debate about.

Chris said...

I think that flaming hot cheetos should be banned by all schools. They are extremely unhealthy. If kids keep using cheetos as a replacement for their lunch then nobody will eat anything except for cheetos. People who oppose this ban usually eat lots of flaming hot cheetos. Nobody knows how many artificial flavours and fat will ruin kids' life. I think that you can eat hot cheetos once every month, but some people are eating eight bags a day! If schools don't ban flamin' hot cheetos nobody knows how bad it could be. Health is the main reason that they should ban cheetos. With 11 grams of fat and 250 milligrams of sodium it is not the healthiest option. For instance, every day you could have carrots and guacomole or hummus. Overall, school should definitely ban flamin' hot cheetos from ever being on campus.

Bianca said...

Flamin Hot Cheetos can be very addictive to many kids, and it is very bad for your health. I agree with both statements. They are horrible for kids health, so schools should ban them for the sake of the students. At the same time I believe that they should not ban FHC, it is the parents decision to let there kids eat FHC. I agree with Gracie, because if they were to ban FHC why not ban Doritos, Lays, Ruffles, or the other chips that are bad for you health. I can see that the other chips are not as addicting (at least to Mirman students :P). The amount of calories in a single cheeto is exceeding the amount it should be. And I agree with Rachel that it would be a really cool topic to debate about.

Izzy said...

I think that this this article really showed that food might taste good, but on that it's not always that good for you. Food can be a complicated to judge because there are always people who eat very fatty foods everyday, but never seem to put on a pound. I think this is because most of the people who are willing to practically dye their fingers red to eat this spicy food are kids. Kids tend to eat something, and then run outside and play soccer. So when they are exercising by playing soccer, they are burning off a lot of the calories of the cheetos or any other snack.
I also realized that hot cheetos must be and addicting food, like they said in the article, and I have proof of it. Did anybody else notice that this blog post has the most comments? Well, I think that it is because as soon as we saw the picture for the article that was a bag of many of our favorite snacks we immediately went there first. I didn't post a comment on the blog post first, but I did have it in the back of my mind when I was commenting on other posts.
I think that these schools who feel a need to ban cheetos shouldn't. Kids can make up there own minds about what they want to eat, but most importantly, if it is the parent's decision to let the child have hot cheetos all the time then it is fine. School shouldn't step in. Instead of banning the snack, they should encourage the kids to run around and play more so they can become more physicallly fit. Overall, this article caused many profound thoughts on this topic in my head.