Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When the Nose No Longer Knows

Clown fish raised in acidified waters don’t respond properly to smells. 
 For example, they swim toward the scent of a predator instead of away from it. 
Credit: Simon Foale, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies


Anonymous said...

Sophia said,

I think that this was a cool article that showed that fish could lose there sense of smell from copper and gases. I think it is sad that because of the stupid man that invented the car and truck fish are dying and the ocean is suffering. I hope that some others that read this article that are note just my classmates will realizes that driving a car really makes a bigger difference than you thought. Thought I am wondering why that scientist are testing there fish when there numbers are dropping from the copper. Wouldn't it be a better idea to help and rescue the fish that are still left. I was wondering why the scientist have not thought of this. Over all I think that this is a cool and amazing article that thought me to never ride in a car. From your friend in Paris, France or Venice, Italy depending what day you read this goodby.

Nicholas said...

This article was great. I learned a lot, but in my opinion the article lagged on a little bit. Sophia, you should not call car manufacturers "stupid". Imagine where we would be without cars. But, if you are saying that they could make more environmentally friendly cars, I agree. Back to the fish. I think it is so interesting that fish like Kimbe get to their homes by smelling the island. Also, I cannot believe that fish use their nose for so many things. To mate, to find home, and to avoid getting killed. Kind of off topic, but I think it is cool that fish smell by sending signals to the brain. unfortunately, that is how the die. This copper is messing up that transition, and while it can smell it, the brain's response is messed up. I agree with Sophia. If you are conducting an expirement to save fish, why are you hurting them at the same time. Then, to add to pollution of copper, we have carbon dioxide to deal with. Also kind of strange to me that acid can affect their chemistry. Knew it would mess them up a bit, but their chemistry?! Surprised the acid affects their brain, but they are said to smell the same. The crab thing is a little less servere it appears. They smell less, causing them to choose a worse shell. Still cannot believe how much sea creatures rely on their smell.

Emilynne🌎☯ said...

You can't smell right, you die. I didn't really think that fish relied so much on their sense of smell, and it's horrible to contemplate the fact that it's being ruined. It is amazing that they can tell "good" scents from "bad" scents, and it's sad that they are dying. It's because of human greediness and laziness that this is happening. It's our fault. Back to the fish. I think that it's cool that they can smell the tropical leaves, and know where to go. But Sophia, it's not all that bad. We just need to find a solution. It's not like all the fish are about to go extinct. It's something we need to worry about, because it may lead to that situation, but we're not in big trouble right now. Technology is pushing forward all the time. Do you really think Ford or Honda cares whether fish die? We're all like Scrooge, forgetting the precious things in life for money. Yes, everybody says "Help the environment!" Then they go off and take a ride in their nice gas powered car. Please, people. Fish are dying. It's OK if you ride in your car sometimes. Just remember this and try to think about it. Anything can help. I mean, everybody can be comfortable and ride in cars. Just try to balance it with the environment. There's no need to do something drastic. Just little things.

Sabina☆❀❄❤ said...

I am fascinated that tiny fish can find their way home using smell. In that way, they are a little like people. I think that it is sad how chemicals in the water can make a fish completely lose its sense of smell. This may cause it not to sense a predator or not be able to find its way home. I agree with Sophia that it would be a great idea to rescue fish. I hope scientists think of this soon because it would be really sad if these fish become extinct. Yes, Sophia, car manufacturers are NOT stupid. Can you imagine what it would be without a car?

Overall, I hope the remaining fish remain alive and I think that this article was really interesting.

Savannah :) said...

I am very interested on how the fish in acidified waters have a less of a chance of survival. Fish in acidified waters have the pollution effect their brain and then basically loose their scent of smell, which is very fascinating. It is amazing that fish find their way home trusting their sense of smell. That is like us trying to get to and from school, restaurants, movies, etc. It would be hard. It is kind of great that these fish can do that. I feel that the sad part of this article was that the fish in polluted water might die. I was thinking about this a lot and thought about what would happened if all fish were endangered. What woud happen? If someone only eats fish, would they live on vegetables? Which brings us to another question; what would happen if all chickens, hens, cows, etc were endangered? I do not like fish, so would I live on fruits and vegetables for my whole life. We take advantage of what we have now, when in the future we may not have those things. Even though we wont be alive wouldn't you want your kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid's kid to have what we have... I know that that will be a long time from now, but this era is just plain selfish! What would happen if we wont have fish AND meat? What would happen then? As you see I have many questions that lead to many other questions, and now I have come to realize that every single question leads to another one. Oh yah, one more thing... I love Taylor Swift <13 <--- 13+<3= <13. I am just so smart!

Guess ;P said...

This was posted on Taylor Swift's birthday, December 13th, so this is overall amazing! Guess who???? Oh yah, one more thing... I love Taylor Swift <13 <--- 13+<3= <13. I am just so smart!