Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DNA Mutation Diseases

Brought to you by: Jahan


1 comment:

Nicholas said...

This article was actually kind of a refresher about some of the stuff we learned about cells last year. I do not get how the mitochondria can kill mitochondrial by producing oxygen radicals. I find it fascinating that energy metabolism of mitochondria make them likely to mutate. How to BRCA1 and 2 increase a person's risk of breast cancer? Then I'm really confused when it says that the same genes, BRCA 1 and 2, can cause ovarian cancer. They are obviously linked, but I would like to know how and why. I would really like to know the results from what they find about the links of any types of cancer or diseases. With alzheimer's disease, it runs in the family. I would also like to know why some types of diseases run in the family, while others do not. What I also find confusing is that a mutation does not mean that a person will get the disease. This was a cool article and I really learned a lot!