Monday, December 3, 2012

NASA- Beyond 2012: Why the World Won't End

Brought to you by: Mr. Brennan

A 'Blue Marble' image of the Earth taken from the Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard NASA's Suomi NPP satellite. This composite image uses a number of swaths of the Earth's surface taken on January 4, 2012. 
 Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring 


Eva said...

Those rumors about the world ending were thought to be false by many people, including myself, and it's a relief to find out that we were correct this whole time. The thought that the world could end is terrifying, and I'm so glad that we have science and technology to tell us if it will be ending or alert us if a planet or asteroid is coming our way. But, I never knew that Sumarians started that myth; you would think that one day, someone just brought up the subject and started an argument, making the whole world go into a frenzy. It's interesting to know that that's not true and that there is actually science and rational thought behind it.
But, just to be truthful, I might not want to know if the world was ending. It would be disturbing to sit in your living room, knowing that you would be killed in the next year or so. I am still glad that we have the technology to be aware of things like that and think that it is a topic that could use more research, just to make sure that nothing will happen.

Grace C. said...

This is so cool! I am so relieved that the world is not going to end this year! I never knew that people were suspecting a planet would crash into our earth. You know, it's kind of like how when your calendar ends each year, a knew one comes out for the next year. It is just a calendar, so I do not think that it is such a big deal as I used to. If an asteroid is coming our way, the news or anything else could alert us that it is coming. We could all make sure to do everything we could to be safe. If this disaster ever happens, we should just let it happen, because we can't stop the world. That is why I think it is so cool that the world won't end.

Izzy☆☺☮✌♥✎ said...

I think that tese world ending rumors, like Eva, are ridiculous. I mean we would know if the world was gonna end. We would see the planet coming towards Earth (or the satellites would), we would have heard news from NASA. It would have been a bigger deal! I remember that there were billboards...even commercials about how the world was gonna end on May 12, 2010. It is pointless to spend your life worrying about the world ending because one day, the world will end. But most likely, that will happen in at least millions of years. I just think that this is one of those things people shouldn't be worrying about because we would know. We would have warnings, people would try to save as many people as possible, and scientists who watch our "area of space" would tell us. I mean, there might be a super natural force that causes the world to end, which you can't blame people for worrying about, because everybody kind of believes in supernatural forces. But otherwise, I think that we don't have to worry about nature destroying our planet. But, like Eva and Gracie said, I am relieved in a way to be extra super sure that nothing is going to happen soon.

Nicholas said...

It was only too obvious that nothing was going to happen. But I have heard of the solar storm, and that is a possibility. Some big solar storms have happened, and NASA is saying that a solar storm could do something, but it will likely happen in 2013 or 2014. That could cause some damage, but those happen every 11 years. What idiots are thinking that the world could end in 2012? I think that a lot of people, including me, just like to think the world is going to end for fun. And the whole Mayan calendar nonsense was just people trying to add evidence to an ailing cause. There has never been a thought about the Mayan calendar until the doomsday was moved from 2003 to 2012. But planet alignments actually can do something, but they are not predicting one for several decades.

Sabina :-) said...

No offense to anyone who disagrees with me, but I think that rumors spread about the world ending are ridiculous. I'm glad that NASA agrees with me because the world has been around for SO many years! Why 2012? There isn't any scientific evidence behind this rumor and I think that we shouldn't waste time worrying about the world ending. Anyway, 2012 is almost ending, and if the world won't end by 2013, scientists will have to post pone the day again.

I think this is interesting and all, but like NASA said, all of this is merely just a fairy tale.

Aiden said...

This was a fascinating article. I never thought the world would end in 2012, but I had no idea how many theories there were. I only knew the theory about the Mayan calendar ending, and I agree with the interviewee: once the Mayan calendar ends, a new Mayan "year" will start. I found the wide spread of catastrophe ideas interesting; some of the ideas seem completely unrealistic and others are realistic and possible. It feels nice to know that the world won't end in 2012 and that we have NASA to back us up on that. I didn't know about polar shifting and planetary alignments and solar storm affects before I read this, so the article was reassuring and fascinating at the same time. I learned lots of things about the Earth that I didn't know before.

Chloe said...

I think that this is really cool that scientists can find out all this information! I don't think I could, because I wouldn't be patient enough. I was relieved to find out that all these myths, were false. I think that people were just anticipating the year 2012 to come because of the Mayan calendar ending, and they were just finding any excuse to make it look like the world really was going to end. Now that the truth has been revealed about 2012, I think that there are going to be people that make up myths about future years to come. Lets hope that doesn't get too far! Overall, I think that this was an amazing post by Mr. Brennan and this proves a lot!

Natasha said...

I knew that the world wasn't going end. The rumors are very false and idiotic. We would know if the world was going to end. I agree with Izzy, that NASA or some satellites would tell everyone, and then we could worry, but people just making up rumors and jokes about the world ending is very stupid. If something were to happen to Earth, it would be in a LONG time. But it was still nice to know that it wasn't ending any time soon.

Faith said...

I was pretty confident that the world wasn't gonna end. Now I am 99.9% sure the world won't end. Like others have said and in the articule the satellites would be able to detect something. And if the dwarf planet Eris was gonna hit earth than we would know and it would take a long time. Personally I think that the idea of the world flipping upside down is just silly. Now I have scientific proof it is sill. Because the world would slowly start to tilt not just go splat upside down! So unless if there is a zombie apocalypse than I think we will be safe.

Corey said...

That was a cool and interesting article. I like how these people from NASA actually did a Q and A. this was a very interesting article. I wonder why all these people start saying all these ancient rumors about the world ending. Clearly, this proves that there is not threat to Earth and that it is not ending any time soon. This was quite a unique article by them saying certain stuff. I learned a lot from reading this article. I like how they only picked out a few questions that are the most commonly asked. I know, from experience that if they were to answer every question, it would be the longest page on a website in history (Guiness book of World Records) It is a good thing that they didn't. Such an interesting article!

Savannah :) said...

This is a very interesting article. I did not believe that the world was going to end, but I did think about it a little. I am thankful that the world is not going to end and to have it confirmed by NASA. I actually saw this one calendar, it did not end on the 21st of December (Elle's bday... WOOT WOOT) and there was an event that said doomsday. I did not believe it but I did think it was silly because if the world continues the manufacturers might feel silly for thinking this. Then again, many people thought this. The movie 2012 got me thinking about if the world was going to end but then it was very unrealistic. They go on a boat to an island ON EARTH and everything gets torn up except for this isolated island. It was not very creative and the ending should have been better. The little island would have been TORN UP if the world ended like they showed in the movie. Even though the director is not a scientist, I thought the director would be smart enough for them to end up OFF of Earth if the world was going to die, if the people HAD to live (which I did not think was needed... haha). Sorry to people that are reading this and have not seen the movie i they did not watch it.

Tessa said...

I found this interesting and frankly kind of a relief! I really believed that the world was going to end! However I now know that this is just a rumor. There is no way for the Mayans to have predicted that on Friday, December 21 at 3:00 a.m the world is going to end. It is so great that the people at NASA can prove that those people were wrong and we are not all going to die on the 21st.

Rachel said...

I found this very interesting. I am so glad the world will NOT end soon. I had some suspicion is wasn't going to happen. If NASA prove this information about the Mayan calender and how they predicted this date wrong, there is no way the world will come to an end soon.