Scientists recently used a computer program
to decode patterns of brain activity displayed during a dream. They
found that a certain object was linked with a particular pattern, and
that pattern was similar whether the object was seen while awake or
Credit: iStockphoto
This article was amazing! Dreams are made usually with content that we think much about when we are awake, or things we subconsiously notice. When the scientists wake up the men and show them the images that they have picked up in their dreams, wouldn't that trigger their memories? When I wake up and I want to remember my dream, I usually have to sit and think for a while, which is not something I would like to do right after waking up. However, if the dream is something extrodinary, or a nightmare, I usually remember it. A long time ago, in an episode of That's So Raven, Raven's brother and some of her friends got a machine and saw what she was dreaming about, and then she woke up, but they didn't realize it. So they also saw what she was thinking while she was awake.
When we dream, do we also hear dialogue? Or is it just motions, and then we fill in words ourselves. Also, when we are dreaming and we hear something, it usually gets incorporated into our dreams, right? Like when my alarm wakes me up (at one point it was a waterfall noise), my dream was that I went to some waterfall. Also, when we dream about having nose bleeds, or using the bathroom, it almost always happens in reality. Maybe this can prevent kids wetting their beds; if scientists could make children think that they would never wet their beds, and they had a dream about it...?? And if we wake up during our dream, and we fall back asleep do our dreams continue, or does a new one start?
I think dreams are very interesting, and that there is much to learn about them.
This article was amazing! Dreams are made usually with content that we think much about when we are awake, or things we subconsiously notice. When the scientists wake up the men and show them the images that they have picked up in their dreams, wouldn't that trigger their memories? When I wake up and I want to remember my dream, I usually have to sit and think for a while, which is not something I would like to do right after waking up. However, if the dream is something extrodinary, or a nightmare, I usually remember it. A long time ago, in an episode of That's So Raven, Raven's brother and some of her friends got a machine and saw what she was dreaming about, and then she woke up, but they didn't realize it. So they also saw what she was thinking while she was awake.
When we dream, do we also hear dialogue? Or is it just motions, and then we fill in words ourselves. Also, when we are dreaming and we hear something, it usually gets incorporated into our dreams, right? Like when my alarm wakes me up (at one point it was a waterfall noise), my dream was that I went to some waterfall. Also, when we dream about having nose bleeds, or using the bathroom, it almost always happens in reality. Maybe this can prevent kids wetting their beds; if scientists could make children think that they would never wet their beds, and they had a dream about it...?? And if we wake up during our dream, and we fall back asleep do our dreams continue, or does a new one start?
I think dreams are very interesting, and that there is much to learn about them.
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