Friday, October 26, 2012

Fern Spores - YouTube

Brought to you by: Alyssa

Copyright © 2007 David Monniaux


Grace C. said...

I did not get what was happening in this video. It was kind of weird, and what was supposed to be spores looked like termites. As we learned, fern spores fall off of the fern and drop into the ground, but I did not see this in the video. All I saw was a bunch of termite-looking things moving around because of the wind. This did not make any sense whatsoever to me. Why did they look like termites and what was happening to them?

Bianca said...

I agree with Gracie, that I did not know what was happening. I thought it was unique in the different spores that were showed in the video. It is very interesting how many shapes and sizes they can be. I believe it was the second one shown that really interested me. What were the spores doing? What were they releasing?

Nicholas said...

I liked and disliked this video. I think that a video like this should have been more than just showing weird-looking spores and playing an acoustic guitar. The spores moving was actually pretty cool, but I did not get what they were going for. The beginning of the video was showing just a whole bunch of spores, and it did not look like they were moving. But when they did the closeup it looked like the, as Gracie said, termite looking creatures were, honestly, having spasms. Other than that, there was not a lot to this pointless, but cool video.

Chloe said...

I think that (for all of you that were confused of what the video was showing) I think that the spores were releasing what was inside of them by opening itself up. I think that this is really cool because I didn't know that spores had different shapes and sizes. This video showed how the spores reproduced, but it might have been confusing for some people because the video was showing the process from a weird angle. Overall, I liked this video because I thought it was really cool. :)

Anonymous said...

Sophia said...
I think that this was a cool video. Although they could of made the video longer and more interesting. I think (with the small footage we had) that the video showed the spores but not what they are for. I think that they should show the footage with the spores facing down so you get the felling that they fall into the ground. I also think that they should have had a voice over or something that could tell us what the spores did and have they help some plants reproduce. In over all I think the video was educational but in a way informative.

Elle said...

I agree with Chloe. The video did show how spores reproduced, however I think that they could have made the video longer. Also, I agree with Nick. This video could have had a lot more to it than just some spores moving around. Overall, this video was a 7 out of 10 on the Nicoletti scale. :)

Kallie said...

Like most people, I don't really understand what the spores were doing, but Chloe was probably right that they were opening up and releasing the stuff that needs to be released for it to reproduce. Also, I found it a bit annoying that it said Martin Microscope 2006 at the bottom.

Stanford said...

I agree with Grace. I did't understand this video either, but it must of had something to do with spores. I wonder if those roll polly-like things have anything to do with spores, but, if I didn't know any better, I'd think they were shooting things at the plant.

Emilynne said...

I think this video was interesting, but it could have been so much more. You need to say what those things were and what they were doing. I have a flower at my house. The buds look just like those termite things. I think, because of the title, that those catapult things were releasing the spores, but I'm just making a guess. Overall, this video wasn't very good.

Izzy said...

I think that this video was actually very interesting! I mean, don't humans just think that plants are immobile things that are pretty much harmless to us when we are walking around! But to see that these plants actually move seems a bit weird.
Well, at least I thought it was weird because we are the dominant living things on this plantet, but when we look closer at things we didn't know were going on (ferns catapulting their spores to reproduce), we might find somethings that could change our future.

Grace C. said...

I do not agree with Chloe. A spore wouldn't open up to show that it was reproducing because a spore wouldn't reproduce. Spores are the reproductive things on a plant, so they do not need to reproduce. They drop into the ground to help the plant reproduce.

Tessa said...

I agree with Gracie. It was fascinating, watching those small little spores pop like kernels of popcorn. As cool as this video was, it was quite short on what actually happens. What happens really is that those spores drop and then grow, not lie on the ground and POP! I would have loved to see how the spores fall and then go into the ground and what happens after that. I also agree with Nicholas that it without a doubt could be a ton more than strange looking spores and music.

Adam said...

I agree with Bianca because this video was very short and had no information in it. This looked like a bunch of snails or worms on a leaf that were having random spasms. This was not such a good video because it didn't explain or teach anything.

Annie said...

I disagree with everyone who said this was confusing. I agree with the people who said it could have more detail and be longer. I think it was very interesting. I think it is a very rare occasion to see spores reproduce. It was really cool seeing this. What I don't understand, is why do the spores curl up after they reproduce? Maybe the video should say that they were reproducing or whatever it was doing. It could have had more detail, but I still think this was an amazing video.

Finn said...

It was kind of gross. They looked like bugs sitting on the bottom of a leaf exploding.

Miles said...

I thought this video was a bit fascinating. This video could have had so much more information telling us what the leaf was doing. This video should tell us what the leaf is doing, and what type of leaf this is. In general I thought this was a really cool video.

Emilynne said...

I watched this video again. The description says "Fern leaf under the microscope catapulting its spores." If you didn't understand what this video was, that's it.

Bob said...

Hi. I'm from Martin Microscope Company. Loved your comments, but thought I might add some explanation. We sell microscopes, and we pioneered using HD video cameras on microscopes by manufacturing an adapter that allows HD camcorders to fit on microscopes. One of my customers locally is a fern grower who brought in some ferns in order to test our video microscopy capability. This is the video we created. It was mainly designed to show our product capabilities rather than being an educational video. By the way, this video is being used in the new Godzilla movie opening this weekend!