I watched this video, and I thought it was soooooo cool. I can't believe there's now a material that can repel almost all liquids, but the coolest part is it reflects things that could harm your clothes, or you. This would be an amazing material for HAZ-MAT suits. Finally I can drink sprite laying down and my mom can't bother me.
Wow this is such a cool video. If I had a shirt like this it would be even cooler. We could go into the ocean and stay dry. If we spill our coffee on our shirt and pants it will just slide right off.
I really liked this video. I like how it does not absorb any liquids and all the liquids just rolled off. This would not only prevent spills from being as messy, but it would also prevent stains and all the work that it takes to get them out. It should be known more so that more products are made out of it.
Cool! This could be really useful for people who work with radioactive substances. I think it could also be used for the army. Just one thing. Can it be dyed? If all liquids just slide off, what would happen if you tried to dye it. Overall, really cool. Now I can go out in the rain wearing a long sleeve shirt and not get wet! A+. Thanks Finn!
I find it amazing that they have found something that lets liquids just bounce, and roll off of the material. I think this is an evolutionary product because like they said, it could protect soldiers from harsh chemicals. Then it could also really come in handy at home because the less stains we have in our home, the less water, paper, and materials we have to waste to clean it up. This would really help the environment, and everybody in their daily lives. Then for babies, it could help the parents because the less stains on babies, the more time the parents have for themselves. I want this in my house!
This material is so cool! The idea that liquid actually bounces off a surface instead of falling and spreading on one is pretty amazing, and I give two thumbs up to all the people that helped make the material! I really do think that it will help armies, people out in the ocean, and even people at home. It would be a good idea to make countertops made of this material so that if something is spilled while you are cooking or making something, it would just bounce and not make a mess until you could pick it up with a paper towel. The material could also help the environment by reducing the amount of paper towels used by people every day. Messes wouldn't take as many towels to clean up because they wouldn't spread on a countertop, thanks to the material. It could also be used in blood testing or forensics as a surface that the blood would drip off of. Therefore, the blood wouldn't be contaminated by dirt on the ground or any other control that could change the test results. But, the material could also be used by criminals to keep any evidence such as blood from being found at a crime scene, which is a big problem (I hope I didn't just give criminals an idea, if they are reading this). Overall, this is an amazing material that could be used for many things and help the environment. :-)
This is a really cool video. This product has a lot of of real world application. I really do think it can make a difference for our firemen and sailors. It is pretty amazing how liquid can just bounce off the material and mainly only touches air. I wonder when this material will be available to the public or even if it will be available. It could also help the environment by covering basic things like umbrellas and counter tops so we don;t have to use as much paper to clean messes up. This is an amazing video that could change many things in our lives. O give this video and A-.
I though this was really cool how water can just bounce off of water like it was a trampoline. I never though that water could bounce so it touches 99% of air, and only 1% of the surface! I know that this can help fingerprints and ships not to glide, but I don't see how this can change the entire world. How it can change the face of our society forever. Overall, cool video but not quit enough information.
I think I read besides that they were using this material in the military, but if not they should. The big problem is how much liquid can the material be exposed to at one time? Because maybe if we had a shirt like this it would repel stains but what if you somebody pushed you in the pool or you get sprayed with a hose? But this is an excellent first step. The reason I say first step is because just to know that we have this technolagy think of what we could acomplish next! I think that they got the idea from the Lotus leaf. A leaf that uses small waterproof fibers that repels water and pushes it off. Like the material that pushes the liquid off even before it touches the material completely. Also will it ever be so over exposed that it simply just fades away?
I thought this was really cool. I remember at the zoo, Ms. Ghazarian showed us a plant near the apes that had the same ability as this fabric. My dad actually has a shirt that has fabric that's quite like this one. I give this article an A+.
This material is super cool, and I thought it was interesting that it isn't just a hydrophobic material, and that it's the way the surface texture repels liquids. I think it would be very useful if it is sold commercially.
I think this was really cool. Like Finn said, you can spill drinks and go into the rain without getting wet. I thought the slow motion where the liquid bounces on the surface on the material was very cool.
So for starters, I like everybody's encouraging thoughts! But if you really think about it, if the scientists make tshirts or coats like this, business will be running really really well! I mean this is amazing, but they are going to run out of stock so quickly and what happens if every single tree with this leaf that bounces water off of it is used, then what are businesses going to do? I mean yes, it would probably take a long time to hunt down every single tree, but if you use the ones you have, they will take months, and maybe years to grow more leaves. Plus, how many leaves would you need for one tshirt? The quality is amazing, but this is hurting the environment also! Now about the science to this: this experiment is really cool. It didn't give much information so this section won't be long. it was awesome how the different liquids bounced off of the material, but seriously, like Faith said, how much liquid can bounce of at one time? Another thing to notice is that when you jump into the pool, it makes a splash... the water jumps up and lands back in the pool creating ripples and it joins back with the rest of the water. Yes, this happens by you jumping in, but what if everywhere you go there was water and splashes came out of your clothes, that is basically the nature of this. I wonder who came up with it :) Another thing that is a good point is that when the water droplets jump, they are jumping in the air. When you are underwater and there is no air around you (you are in water), where are the droplets going to jump? They will just be absorbed in the water again and so with this material and this concept, I don't believe that you can go completely inside a pool and come out completely dry. Like Faith said, it's a great start to a great experiment which leads to tons of money! I can't believe there will be technology and things like this that are so cool when we grow up. This video was interesting and I rate it an B+ because we needed more info. Thanks for posting it!
I thought that this video was very cool and interesting to watch. I always knew that there were materials that could repel water, but I never knew that there was one material that could repel multiple different liquids. It would be interesting to see if there could be drysuits made out of this material so that if somebody was swimming in the ocean they could come out and they would be totally dry. That would be very cool if your were floating in water, but you could not feel it. I wonder what that would be like. I give this video and A+.
This fabric lets any liquid-that they have tested-just go right off of the material, because of the coating. This must have been a great success. I wonder if they are selling it to some companies or certain people. If they do, how much is it? Is it a lot? Are the people who are selling this rich??? There is probably so many people wanting to buy this, the price probably has raised from when they first made this. I think that because all of the people that want to buy this (if they are selling) probably are trying to make bids and then another person bids higher, and so on. So, during the peoples' bid war, the price probably got pretty high. Then again, there may be no people wanting to buy this so they may be less rich than if there was a bid war like I said. Multiple people have said that they should make clothes made of this, but think about that for a minute. It would be cool to go into the ocean and stay dry, but that is what wet suits are for and wet suits are probably cheaper than what the price would be for the clothes that they would make. Also, Kyle say that he can drink sprite laying down, but your mom still should yell at you because you would get it on the floor or bed. Also the sprite would get in your nose and you would wish you listened to your mom--or not... I am not you. One thing I think they should make is a care... who needs window wipers? With this instead, the water would slide right off and won't leave a water mark, but then again, they might not be able to make a translucent one for your windows. That would be pretty bad because you wouldn't be able to see if it was a red light or a yellow light. One other question, how much of this can they make in a certain amount of time. We are all talking about how this is revolutionary and stuff (don't get me wrong, it is) but how much of the stuff, that they make the material with, do they have? If they don't have the things they coat the material in, it would be like a one hit wonder, except with fabric... a one time wonder or a one product wonder (I don't know... stop judging me, ok? Ok.) I know, they probably have a lot of the stuff they make the coating and material with, but how much can they afford ? The people that came up with this probably did a lot of planning and testing beforehand and now their hard work has paid off.
Like everyone else said, this stuff would every business boom! I just thinking about what this fabric could be useful for, and I got it. For a triathlon! Since you have to swim, bike, and run, they could have you just wear a suit made of this awesome material and you could do multiple events without getting wet. I mean, your would get wet unless you wear a swim cap, but still, it would get partially wet. I know that nobody enjoys wearing those but they make you go faster. Anyway, if you hair did get a bit wet, it would dry off pretty fast while you were cycling.
They could also use this fabric for lifeguards. If the lifeguards had to jump in the water in a normal suit, they would be very wet when they came out of the water. but, if they used the special material, they could stay dry so that they could be less uncomfortable.
This would also be good for magic and phone protection. Underwater pictures!
Overall, this is a really cool discover and I hope to hear more about it and see what it benefits.
Sophia said,
Wow. I like that this fabric actually gets rid of the water instead of just not letting through. It is quite amazing.
I give this a A+.
I watched this video, and I thought it was soooooo cool. I can't believe there's now a material that can repel almost all liquids, but the coolest part is it reflects things that could harm your clothes, or you. This would be an amazing material for HAZ-MAT suits. Finally I can drink sprite laying down and my mom can't bother me.
Wow this is such a cool video. If I had a shirt like this it would be even cooler. We could go into the ocean and stay dry. If we spill our coffee on our shirt and pants it will just slide right off.
I really liked this video. I like how it does not absorb any liquids and all the liquids just rolled off. This would not only prevent spills from being as messy, but it would also prevent stains and all the work that it takes to get them out. It should be known more so that more products are made out of it.
Cool! This could be really useful for people who work with radioactive substances. I think it could also be used for the army. Just one thing. Can it be dyed? If all liquids just slide off, what would happen if you tried to dye it. Overall, really cool. Now I can go out in the rain wearing a long sleeve shirt and not get wet! A+. Thanks Finn!
I find it amazing that they have found something that lets liquids just bounce, and roll off of the material. I think this is an evolutionary product because like they said, it could protect soldiers from harsh chemicals. Then it could also really come in handy at home because the less stains we have in our home, the less water, paper, and materials we have to waste to clean it up. This would really help the environment, and everybody in their daily lives. Then for babies, it could help the parents because the less stains on babies, the more time the parents have for themselves. I want this in my house!
This material is so cool! The idea that liquid actually bounces off a surface instead of falling and spreading on one is pretty amazing, and I give two thumbs up to all the people that helped make the material! I really do think that it will help armies, people out in the ocean, and even people at home. It would be a good idea to make countertops made of this material so that if something is spilled while you are cooking or making something, it would just bounce and not make a mess until you could pick it up with a paper towel. The material could also help the environment by reducing the amount of paper towels used by people every day. Messes wouldn't take as many towels to clean up because they wouldn't spread on a countertop, thanks to the material.
It could also be used in blood testing or forensics as a surface that the blood would drip off of. Therefore, the blood wouldn't be contaminated by dirt on the ground or any other control that could change the test results. But, the material could also be used by criminals to keep any evidence such as blood from being found at a crime scene, which is a big problem (I hope I didn't just give criminals an idea, if they are reading this).
Overall, this is an amazing material that could be used for many things and help the environment. :-)
This is a really cool video. This product has a lot of of real world application. I really do think it can make a difference for our firemen and sailors. It is pretty amazing how liquid can just bounce off the material and mainly only touches air. I wonder when this material will be available to the public or even if it will be available. It could also help the environment by covering basic things like umbrellas and counter tops so we don;t have to use as much paper to clean messes up. This is an amazing video that could change many things in our lives. O give this video and A-.
I though this was really cool how water can just bounce off of water like it was a trampoline. I never though that water could bounce so it touches 99% of air, and only 1% of the surface! I know that this can help fingerprints and ships not to glide, but I don't see how this can change the entire world. How it can change the face of our society forever. Overall, cool video but not quit enough information.
I think I read besides that they were using this material in the military, but if not they should. The big problem is how much liquid can the material be exposed to at one time? Because maybe if we had a shirt like this it would repel stains but what if you somebody pushed you in the pool or you get sprayed with a hose? But this is an excellent first step. The reason I say first step is because just to know that we have this technolagy think of what we could acomplish next! I think that they got the idea from the Lotus leaf. A leaf that uses small waterproof fibers that repels water and pushes it off. Like the material that pushes the liquid off even before it touches the material completely. Also will it ever be so over exposed that it simply just fades away?
I thought this was really cool. I remember at the zoo, Ms. Ghazarian showed us a plant near the apes that had the same ability as this fabric. My dad actually has a shirt that has fabric that's quite like this one. I give this article an A+.
This material is super cool, and I thought it was interesting that it isn't just a hydrophobic material, and that it's the way the surface texture repels liquids. I think it would be very useful if it is sold commercially.
I think this was really cool. Like Finn said, you can spill drinks and go into the rain without getting wet. I thought the slow motion where the liquid bounces on the surface on the material was very cool.
So for starters, I like everybody's encouraging thoughts! But if you really think about it, if the scientists make tshirts or coats like this, business will be running really really well! I mean this is amazing, but they are going to run out of stock so quickly and what happens if every single tree with this leaf that bounces water off of it is used, then what are businesses going to do? I mean yes, it would probably take a long time to hunt down every single tree, but if you use the ones you have, they will take months, and maybe years to grow more leaves. Plus, how many leaves would you need for one tshirt? The quality is amazing, but this is hurting the environment also!
Now about the science to this: this experiment is really cool. It didn't give much information so this section won't be long. it was awesome how the different liquids bounced off of the material, but seriously, like Faith said, how much liquid can bounce of at one time?
Another thing to notice is that when you jump into the pool, it makes a splash... the water jumps up and lands back in the pool creating ripples and it joins back with the rest of the water. Yes, this happens by you jumping in, but what if everywhere you go there was water and splashes came out of your clothes, that is basically the nature of this. I wonder who came up with it :)
Another thing that is a good point is that when the water droplets jump, they are jumping in the air. When you are underwater and there is no air around you (you are in water), where are the droplets going to jump? They will just be absorbed in the water again and so with this material and this concept, I don't believe that you can go completely inside a pool and come out completely dry. Like Faith said, it's a great start to a great experiment which leads to tons of money! I can't believe there will be technology and things like this that are so cool when we grow up. This video was interesting and I rate it an B+ because we needed more info. Thanks for posting it!
I thought that this video was very cool and interesting to watch. I always knew that there were materials that could repel water, but I never knew that there was one material that could repel multiple different liquids. It would be interesting to see if there could be drysuits made out of this material so that if somebody was swimming in the ocean they could come out and they would be totally dry. That would be very cool if your were floating in water, but you could not feel it. I wonder what that would be like. I give this video and A+.
This fabric lets any liquid-that they have tested-just go right off of the material, because of the coating. This must have been a great success. I wonder if they are selling it to some companies or certain people. If they do, how much is it? Is it a lot? Are the people who are selling this rich??? There is probably so many people wanting to buy this, the price probably has raised from when they first made this. I think that because all of the people that want to buy this (if they are selling) probably are trying to make bids and then another person bids higher, and so on. So, during the peoples' bid war, the price probably got pretty high. Then again, there may be no people wanting to buy this so they may be less rich than if there was a bid war like I said.
Multiple people have said that they should make clothes made of this, but think about that for a minute. It would be cool to go into the ocean and stay dry, but that is what wet suits are for and wet suits are probably cheaper than what the price would be for the clothes that they would make. Also, Kyle say that he can drink sprite laying down, but your mom still should yell at you because you would get it on the floor or bed. Also the sprite would get in your nose and you would wish you listened to your mom--or not... I am not you. One thing I think they should make is a care... who needs window wipers? With this instead, the water would slide right off and won't leave a water mark, but then again, they might not be able to make a translucent one for your windows. That would be pretty bad because you wouldn't be able to see if it was a red light or a yellow light. One other question, how much of this can they make in a certain amount of time. We are all talking about how this is revolutionary and stuff (don't get me wrong, it is) but how much of the stuff, that they make the material with, do they have? If they don't have the things they coat the material in, it would be like a one hit wonder, except with fabric... a one time wonder or a one product wonder (I don't know... stop judging me, ok? Ok.) I know, they probably have a lot of the stuff they make the coating and material with, but how much can they afford ?
The people that came up with this probably did a lot of planning and testing beforehand and now their hard work has paid off.
Well, that was pretty cool.
Like everyone else said, this stuff would every business boom! I just thinking about what this fabric could be useful for, and I got it. For a triathlon! Since you have to swim, bike, and run, they could have you just wear a suit made of this awesome material and you could do multiple events without getting wet. I mean, your would get wet unless you wear a swim cap, but still, it would get partially wet. I know that nobody enjoys wearing those but they make you go faster. Anyway, if you hair did get a bit wet, it would dry off pretty fast while you were cycling.
They could also use this fabric for lifeguards. If the lifeguards had to jump in the water in a normal suit, they would be very wet when they came out of the water. but, if they used the special material, they could stay dry so that they could be less uncomfortable.
This would also be good for magic and phone protection. Underwater pictures!
Overall, this is a really cool discover and I hope to hear more about it and see what it benefits.
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