Believe me, I am never drinking anything from starbucks. This is very interesting because when we think of starbucks, we think of honest people who are just making coffee, but in reality, parasitic bugs?? I am really afraid of eating or drinking anything to do with strawberry. This is very interesting also because it shows us that even though we think that strawberry is healthy, it can actually harm people. Very interesting article. I really am avoiding anything strawberry.
Eww! This is so gross! I agree with Jahan about not drinking at Starbucks, but the article says that the bug dye is pretty common in red stuff like smoothies and lipstick. There are other stories about companies putting dye in the food. I also agree to avoiding red things because you never know what could be in it. Well, the dye technically is natural, but it is pretty bad if it gives asthmatic attacks and other things. I wonder if any of the beetles are actually in the store. This is very interesting and now I know what could really be in red colored drinks and it is really gross to think about.
Ok, so Starbucks isn't doing anything that terrible by using Cochineal dye. This is used in so many different products, it's a bit scary. But, it is a bit gross that the dye is coming from crushed bugs. Pop Tarts have the dye in them, so do smoothies, lipstick, and probably many other things like gum, juices, and candy. technically, the ingredient is natural, it's coming from bugs. Oh yeah, aren't these the bugs that Ms. Ghazarian was trying to show us when we went the zoo? I looked up pictures of the beetles and now I'm realizing that Cochineal sounds familiar to me. They look like little furry things that live on cacti, and when you squeeze them, red dye comes out. Anyway, like I was saying before, the ingredient is natural, and nothing can change that. I mean, having crushed bugs in things that you drink is pretty gross, but, if you really think about it, it's not really harming you, except for the few people it harms by giving asthmatic attacks. Every single one of you who has had a strawberry Poptart, or put on lipstick, has put these crushed bugs in or on your body, and I bet that when you either applied or ate these things, you had absolutely no idea that crushed bugs were involved in any way. I don't know if I will avoid eating things that are died red, or avoid Starbucks, but I will be checking labels when something is red, just to see. I don't know if it would affect me personally, so I don't know if it matters that much, except for the fact that it is a bit gross.
This really makes me think twice about drinking anything from Starbucks. I totally agree with Jahan, i think of Starbucks as a place that makes coffee. But now I have the slightest feeling that other things in Starbucks has a secret behind it too.
I think that Izzy is right. Yes, it's disgusting. Are you going to die? No. Also, I think some people are relating this to strawberries. Strawberries are fine! You can make a strawberry smoothie with your blender at home or eat strawberries with ice cream. It's just some people use cochineal dye to make their product redder. Personally, I don't care. I just want to know who would it affect. If it could kill someone, I would stay away from it. But it's used so often, I think that's extremely unlikely. Even though there are better dyes, I think we can get over. I'm fine with it. Anyway, this was an interesting article. I give it an A-. Thanks Elle!
EWW!!!!! Ok, so I've only drank that specific drink once, because I did not like the taste... THANK GOD! Anyway, I think that this is gross. First of all, why would they need to use food dye to color the strawberry drinks pink, if they are using real strawberries? They are using real strawberries, right?? And even if they were using real strawberries... I do not really want to be eating bugs. Why can't they just use natural dyes? It's completely gross that lots of companies are using this for their products. (this is chloe <3)
I do not see the problem. It is just something they use. Is it a little bit disgusting, yes, but Starbucks is a very clean company. They are just letting people know. Are you going to die, no. Are you going to taste the beetle, no. Are your friends going to mention it when you are drinking one, no. And it is interesting to me how people are almost at war with themselves. There are people saying that it is bad to use artificial ingredients, and now people are against this. I can understand people who are vegans, but I cannot get people who are complaining because it is gross. But this was an interesting thing to come back to, because I remember when people made a big deal of this a few years ago.
This is not very surprising to me because what do you think it would be made out of? We all know very well that none of these things actually use real strawberries or anything that is supposed to be eaten. This was not very shocking but pretty cool that star bucks admitted it.
That is interesting yet kinda disgusting. Especially because I always get the Strawberries and Cream Frap. That is not going to stop me from eating it though :P I also hear that is the same with McDonald's pink lemonade. That is a very mad marketing plan for Starbucks, and makes many of their customers very grossed out and unhappy. I believe Starbucks might take a huge down fall after admitting this to their eager strawberry fans. The Starbucks corporation price has plateaued and is rising up again. How many corporations are doing this with out letting their customers know? I believe the business should come out and change their ways or else they will lose many customers. I believe this would not hurt any major companies that much. McDonalds for example is a major company and each year their is one or more examples of their unhealthy ways. For example, their apples have been recalled and their food that is supposed to be glutton free isn't. It is a good and a bad thing Starbucks is coming out now. It is a bad thing because they will get a lot of negative feed back. But it is a good thing because the sooner the costumers find out the better. I believe Starbucks should change their supplies before they loose to many customers. At least they could say that their strawberry drinks are all natural.
In all good yet gross article. I give it an A- (the - for the grossness :P)
You know, there is a show called Food Detectives with Ted Allen. They were talking about how strawberry drinks are either colored with beetle blood or paprika. I was so interested, because I told this to someone before and they didn't believe me. I don't know if there might be another secret behind other things, like the St. Patty's day milkshake at McDonalds. This makes me feel like I am going to throw up, but there are ways to avoid this. I think that you should always check ingredients on the back of the box and look for beetles, parasitic, or blood. Bianca, you could probably find another drink that you like, because drinking strawberries from Starbucks is not a good idea. I rate this article a B+, the B for the grossness, but the + for the amount of information.
I am absolutely shocked. Completely. Who would put parasites in a drink? And why would they do this? They could just use real strawberry juice and make it look red if they really wanted to. This is especially shocking because this drink is my regular drink that I get whenever I go to Starbucks. I mean, it's not a real big problem, but still...gross factor, from 1-10, probably around a 12, and that's saying something, especially from me. Though now every time I go to Starbucks, I will always have this article in mind. I mean, this is kinda (actually really) annoying to have to think twice about getting a drink whenever I'm at Starbucks. I'll still get it, but not very often anymore.
Then there's the problem with Starbucks. They are not going to change their recipe because they are stubborn, and they have more experience using this kind of dye. Maybe if the group of people was able to convince Starbucks to change it, then I would be able to get a drink safely without having to worry about parasites getting inside me and eating me up. (ha lol jk)
I totally agree with Jahan. I have always loved Starbucks, but now do I even want to drink the stuff that they make? It was a really cool article and was gross, yet interesting. I rate this article an A.
OMG!!! That is SOOOO gross! I agree with Jahan and Alyssa that I am never drinking anything pink at Starbucks again! Even though Cochineal dye isn't that poisonous, I just DON'T want to be drinking bug juice or putting crushed BUG GUTS on my lips. However, this article was very informative, and I rate it an A+++++. For letting me know that whenever I drink a Starbucks strawberry smoothie, I'm actually drinking crushed BUGS!!!
I think that it is interesting to know how lots of dyes are made. I don't think that they should be killed for doing this, but I bet a lot of people won't by their drinks anymore. Now that I know what a lot of the strawberry drinks are made out of I will stay away from strawberry drinks for sure.
This has made me think that if they use parasitic beetles die, against artificial ingredients, then what do they use as a substitute for other artificial ingredients? Although it is a natural dye, and isn't made of all of these bad chemicals, I still don't feel very comfortable eating or drinking anything with this dye in it. I mean I may continue using, drinking, and eating stuff with this dye in it, but not often. I think that I will try avoiding Starbucks because like I said before, we don't know what other kind of stuff they use as a substitute for artificial ingredients. I don't think that Starbucks is doing anything terrible by using this dye. I mean it is a natural substance, but if people are protesting against this, and not going to Starbucks as often. I think it would be a smart move for Starbucks to use another natural ingredient in their red drinks. Along with doing that, it will save a ton of bugs lives! I mean just because they pay 1/1,000,000 in our lives, they still breath, and live just like we do. How would you like people killing you just because they could have something from killing you. It is the exact same thing happening to them, and frankly I was never too big of a Starbucks fan anyways.
To be honest, I don't really get why some people get VERY grossed out by this. I mean, yes I know that it is a bug, but think about what other things the beetle is used for. I think it's actually very smart that Starbucks uses the beetle, mainly because it's natural, not artificial which some other stores use. And I disagree with Chloe, the bug IS a natural dye. I did more research on this, and it turns out that vegans were suing Starbucks because they were using bugs. I think that article was really informative, but I don't see why people are really this grossed out (well maybe its because I've been to really exotic places and have tried many dishes like stewed spiders and chicken hearts :P).
Why is this grossing everybody out so much? Sure, the dye is made by crushing a female beetle, but if you read the list below that has a few things that have ground-up bug in them, you might reconsider banning cochineal from your diet:
ice cream cranberry juice other colored juices yogurts candies Burt's Bees lip balm
I think that everybody who is skeptical about the idea of using cochineal as a natural dye should look it up online. You'll find that it really isn't as gross as it sounds. For the people who think that they are literally "eating" the bug itself, you are NOT. Carminic acid is what actually makes the dye, which is extracted from the body and eggs of the insect. The acid is mixed with aluminum or or calcium salts to actually make cochineal. So, there is nothing really bad going into cochineal. The cochineal bug makes red pigment naturally, making the inside of the bug dark purple while the outside is whitish-gray because of the waxy coating it makes. The only bad thing about cochineal is that some people are allergic to it, but most people who are aware of that can probably avoid eating food or using products that are brightly colored red or look artificial in any way. :-)
I agree with Elle. Everyone is so grossed out about this even when we use this dye in a lot of things. Even though it comes from a bug, you are not eating the entire thing. It is a good idea to use cochineal dye because it is natural. The bug makes a red dye naturally, so there is nothing bad going into the dye. I understand people don't like the idea of eating bugs, but it is in a lot of things that we might not now about. They also use this dye to make paints. I agree, it would be better to use somethings else that is still natural and would be ok for vegans. Overall this article was very informative. I give this article an A.
This is so disgusting. Strawberry Frappuccino's are my favorite starbucks drink! I don't know why companies feel the need to do this. Why can't they just be happy with natural, all fruit smoothies, like they say they are! I also don't think I'll be going to Starbucks any time soon. I agree with Alyssa - it is TECHNICALLY natural, but ew!
This is the strangest thing ever. If you wondering, yes, I do think it is really gross. Although it is gross, it is also very interesting. When we think of Starbucks drinks, we think of yummy drinks that normal people make. But in real life the strawberry drink is parasitic bugs????? I am really glad that I never drank that drink. It also has signs of harming people's health.
EEEEWWWW!!!!! I can not believe they used crushed beetles to make their drinks. It's no that there are killing their customers, but it's just not good from a marketing perspective. I mean, would you eat a drin with bugs in it? I know I wouldn't. I am just happy that I haven't drank anything that strawberry from Starbucks. Even though this is really gross, I am not surprised. They use so many weird things in the food industry to make things look cool or taste good. They use bugs in lipstick, gum, any flavored drinks and much more. They're not hurting anyone, but this is still super gross. Overall, cool, interesting, and suuuuuuuper gross.
This was interesting because it was so sad to learn that Starbucks is using this stuff, but many people already said it is in other stuff too like lipstick and although it is natural, it is gross because its beetles we are talking about. I agree with the people who said that there might be other ingredients in their other drinks.
Gross! I thought that like Jahan said when we think of Starbucks we think of just coffee makers but really they are using gross bug parts. I drank from Starbucks only once and I am never drinking from there again because of what Jim Olsen said they are not changing the product. All in all Starbucks in un vegan.
I think this is gross, but I agree with everyone who says its not a big deal. It doesn't matter what is in the drink, it just matters that you like it. If you had two cups of starbucks, one with the dye, one without, looks would be your only way of knowing the difference. But it's still weird to think that bugs are in a drink.
I think it's not a big deal that they're doing this. The dye is used in many other products, and I bet there are plenty of worse ingredients in the world. If the bugs aren't harming anybody except for people with asthma we shouldn't worry too much. Well, there are a lot of people with asthma, so I guess those people can worry about it.
A few things. First of all, this amazes me because of the fact that Starbucks always seems to insist that everything they make is organic and can not cause diseases or anything else that could harm some one. Also, I am never drinking any fruit drink from starbucks ever again. It does make you feel slightly odd that you have drunk drinks with parasitic bugs. It is slightly or more than slightly disturbing. I know that it is common for bug dye to be used, but I never thought that it could be used for making coffee drinks. I thought this article was very interesting and slightly sickening. A+.
This is disgusting, I think that Starbucks could have been more honest and told their customers what they have been putting in some of their drinks this whole time. Starbucks should change the ingredients used in some of their drinks or they will lose a lot of customers. If this is harmful to people with asthma, Starbucks will lose a lot of money, through either lawsuit or less customers.
GROSS! Why would they do that? Like Chloe said, why don't they use the natural dyes? Luckily, I only tok one sip of a Strawberry and Cream frappuccino... and I hated it (the caramel macchiato is better, I'm just saying). But the thing is a lot of products have the Cochineal dye which is gross. Why would you put crushed beetles in your product? I think Starbucks and those other products knew that they would have to admit it someday, but this was a bad marketing decision. Then again, why would they do that, though? There is probably a really good reason to this, I doubt they would put something that would gross out their customers and make the sales go down on purpose. One other thing to think about is that other products use it. If it was just Starbucks then I would wonder if it was just a bad marketing decision, but why would the other products use that? What is the point? I know, it is to dye their products, but is there another reason? I feel so bad for Taylor Swift though, she wears red lipstick (it's like one of the things she does often) and she didn't know what was in it :( How sad. Thank you whoever posted this for informing me that I shouldn't drink any strawberry drinks unless I want to drink crushed beetle juice.
I have heard that beetles make red dyes, I have also seen other products that use it. I do not think it is right to color food with beetles without notifying customers. Red Skittles also contain color from crushed beetles.
Believe me, I am never drinking anything from starbucks. This is very interesting because when we think of starbucks, we think of honest people who are just making coffee, but in reality, parasitic bugs?? I am really afraid of eating or drinking anything to do with strawberry. This is very interesting also because it shows us that even though we think that strawberry is healthy, it can actually harm people. Very interesting article. I really am avoiding anything strawberry.
Eww! This is so gross! I agree with Jahan about not drinking at Starbucks, but the article says that the bug dye is pretty common in red stuff like smoothies and lipstick. There are other stories about companies putting dye in the food. I also agree to avoiding red things because you never know what could be in it. Well, the dye technically is natural, but it is pretty bad if it gives asthmatic attacks and other things. I wonder if any of the beetles are actually in the store. This is very interesting and now I know what could really be in red colored drinks and it is really gross to think about.
Ughh...well...ya know....
Ok, so Starbucks isn't doing anything that terrible by using Cochineal dye. This is used in so many different products, it's a bit scary. But, it is a bit gross that the dye is coming from crushed bugs. Pop Tarts have the dye in them, so do smoothies, lipstick, and probably many other things like gum, juices, and candy. technically, the ingredient is natural, it's coming from bugs. Oh yeah, aren't these the bugs that Ms. Ghazarian was trying to show us when we went the zoo? I looked up pictures of the beetles and now I'm realizing that Cochineal sounds familiar to me. They look like little furry things that live on cacti, and when you squeeze them, red dye comes out. Anyway, like I was saying before, the ingredient is natural, and nothing can change that. I mean, having crushed bugs in things that you drink is pretty gross, but, if you really think about it, it's not really harming you, except for the few people it harms by giving asthmatic attacks. Every single one of you who has had a strawberry Poptart, or put on lipstick, has put these crushed bugs in or on your body, and I bet that when you either applied or ate these things, you had absolutely no idea that crushed bugs were involved in any way.
I don't know if I will avoid eating things that are died red, or avoid Starbucks, but I will be checking labels when something is red, just to see. I don't know if it would affect me personally, so I don't know if it matters that much, except for the fact that it is a bit gross.
This really makes me think twice about drinking anything from Starbucks. I totally agree with Jahan, i think of Starbucks as a place that makes coffee. But now I have the slightest feeling that other things in Starbucks has a secret behind it too.
I think that Izzy is right. Yes, it's disgusting. Are you going to die? No. Also, I think some people are relating this to strawberries. Strawberries are fine! You can make a strawberry smoothie with your blender at home or eat strawberries with ice cream. It's just some people use cochineal dye to make their product redder. Personally, I don't care. I just want to know who would it affect. If it could kill someone, I would stay away from it. But it's used so often, I think that's extremely unlikely. Even though there are better dyes, I think we can get over. I'm fine with it. Anyway, this was an interesting article. I give it an A-. Thanks Elle!
Ok, so I've only drank that specific drink once, because I did not like the taste... THANK GOD!
Anyway, I think that this is gross.
First of all, why would they need to use food dye to color the strawberry drinks pink, if they are using real strawberries? They are using real strawberries, right??
And even if they were using real strawberries... I do not really want to be eating bugs. Why can't they just use natural dyes?
It's completely gross that lots of companies are using this for their products.
(this is chloe <3)
I do not see the problem. It is just something they use. Is it a little bit disgusting, yes, but Starbucks is a very clean company. They are just letting people know. Are you going to die, no. Are you going to taste the beetle, no. Are your friends going to mention it when you are drinking one, no. And it is interesting to me how people are almost at war with themselves. There are people saying that it is bad to use artificial ingredients, and now people are against this. I can understand people who are vegans, but I cannot get people who are complaining because it is gross. But this was an interesting thing to come back to, because I remember when people made a big deal of this a few years ago.
This is not very surprising to me because what do you think it would be made out of? We all know very well that none of these things actually use real strawberries or anything that is supposed to be eaten. This was not very shocking but pretty cool that star bucks admitted it.
That is interesting yet kinda disgusting. Especially because I always get the Strawberries and Cream Frap. That is not going to stop me from eating it though :P I also hear that is the same with McDonald's pink lemonade. That is a very mad marketing plan for Starbucks, and makes many of their customers very grossed out and unhappy. I believe Starbucks might take a huge down fall after admitting this to their eager strawberry fans. The Starbucks corporation price has plateaued and is rising up again. How many corporations are doing this with out letting their customers know? I believe the business should come out and change their ways or else they will lose many customers. I believe this would not hurt any major companies that much. McDonalds for example is a major company and each year their is one or more examples of their unhealthy ways. For example, their apples have been recalled and their food that is supposed to be glutton free isn't. It is a good and a bad thing Starbucks is coming out now. It is a bad thing because they will get a lot of negative feed back. But it is a good thing because the sooner the costumers find out the better. I believe Starbucks should change their supplies before they loose to many customers. At least they could say that their strawberry drinks are all natural.
In all good yet gross article. I give it an A- (the - for the grossness :P)
You know, there is a show called Food Detectives with Ted Allen. They were talking about how strawberry drinks are either colored with beetle blood or paprika. I was so interested, because I told this to someone before and they didn't believe me. I don't know if there might be another secret behind other things, like the St. Patty's day milkshake at McDonalds. This makes me feel like I am going to throw up, but there are ways to avoid this. I think that you should always check ingredients on the back of the box and look for beetles, parasitic, or blood. Bianca, you could probably find another drink that you like, because drinking strawberries from Starbucks is not a good idea. I rate this article a B+, the B for the grossness, but the + for the amount of information.
I am absolutely shocked. Completely. Who would put parasites in a drink? And why would they do this? They could just use real strawberry juice and make it look red if they really wanted to. This is especially shocking because this drink is my regular drink that I get whenever I go to Starbucks. I mean, it's not a real big problem, but still...gross factor, from 1-10, probably around a 12, and that's saying something, especially from me. Though now every time I go to Starbucks, I will always have this article in mind. I mean, this is kinda (actually really) annoying to have to think twice about getting a drink whenever I'm at Starbucks. I'll still get it, but not very often anymore.
Then there's the problem with Starbucks. They are not going to change their recipe because they are stubborn, and they have more experience using this kind of dye. Maybe if the group of people was able to convince Starbucks to change it, then I would be able to get a drink safely without having to worry about parasites getting inside me and eating me up. (ha lol jk)
I totally agree with Jahan. I have always loved Starbucks, but now do I even want to drink the stuff that they make? It was a really cool article and was gross, yet interesting. I rate this article an A.
OMG!!! That is SOOOO gross! I agree with Jahan and Alyssa that I am never drinking anything pink at Starbucks again! Even though Cochineal dye isn't that poisonous, I just DON'T want to be drinking bug juice or putting crushed BUG GUTS on my lips. However, this article was very informative, and I rate it an A+++++. For letting me know that whenever I drink a Starbucks strawberry smoothie, I'm actually drinking crushed BUGS!!!
I think that it is interesting to know how lots of dyes are made. I don't think that they should be killed for doing this, but I bet a lot of people won't by their drinks anymore. Now that I know what a lot of the strawberry drinks are made out of I will stay away from strawberry drinks for sure.
This has made me think that if they use parasitic beetles die, against artificial ingredients, then what do they use as a substitute for other artificial ingredients? Although it is a natural dye, and isn't made of all of these bad chemicals, I still don't feel very comfortable eating or drinking anything with this dye in it. I mean I may continue using, drinking, and eating stuff with this dye in it, but not often. I think that I will try avoiding Starbucks because like I said before, we don't know what other kind of stuff they use as a substitute for artificial ingredients. I don't think that Starbucks is doing anything terrible by using this dye. I mean it is a natural substance, but if people are protesting against this, and not going to Starbucks as often. I think it would be a smart move for Starbucks to use another natural ingredient in their red drinks. Along with doing that, it will save a ton of bugs lives! I mean just because they pay 1/1,000,000 in our lives, they still breath, and live just like we do. How would you like people killing you just because they could have something from killing you. It is the exact same thing happening to them, and frankly I was never too big of a Starbucks fan anyways.
To be honest, I don't really get why some people get VERY grossed out by this. I mean, yes I know that it is a bug, but think about what other things the beetle is used for. I think it's actually very smart that Starbucks uses the beetle, mainly because it's natural, not artificial which some other stores use. And I disagree with Chloe, the bug IS a natural dye. I did more research on this, and it turns out that vegans were suing Starbucks because they were using bugs. I think that article was really informative, but I don't see why people are really this grossed out (well maybe its because I've been to really exotic places and have tried many dishes like stewed spiders and chicken hearts :P).
Why is this grossing everybody out so much? Sure, the dye is made by crushing a female beetle, but if you read the list below that has a few things that have ground-up bug in them, you might reconsider banning cochineal from your diet:
ice cream
cranberry juice
other colored juices
Burt's Bees lip balm
I think that everybody who is skeptical about the idea of using cochineal as a natural dye should look it up online. You'll find that it really isn't as gross as it sounds. For the people who think that they are literally "eating" the bug itself, you are NOT. Carminic acid is what actually makes the dye, which is extracted from the body and eggs of the insect. The acid is mixed with aluminum or or calcium salts to actually make cochineal. So, there is nothing really bad going into cochineal. The cochineal bug makes red pigment naturally, making the inside of the bug dark purple while the outside is whitish-gray because of the waxy coating it makes.
The only bad thing about cochineal is that some people are allergic to it, but most people who are aware of that can probably avoid eating food or using products that are brightly colored red or look artificial in any way. :-)
I agree with Elle. Everyone is so grossed out about this even when we use this dye in a lot of things. Even though it comes from a bug, you are not eating the entire thing. It is a good idea to use cochineal dye because it is natural. The bug makes a red dye naturally, so there is nothing bad going into the dye. I understand people don't like the idea of eating bugs, but it is in a lot of things that we might not now about. They also use this dye to make paints. I agree, it would be better to use somethings else that is still natural and would be ok for vegans. Overall this article was very informative. I give this article an A.
This is so disgusting. Strawberry Frappuccino's are my favorite starbucks drink! I don't know why companies feel the need to do this. Why can't they just be happy with natural, all fruit smoothies, like they say they are! I also don't think I'll be going to Starbucks any time soon. I agree with Alyssa - it is TECHNICALLY natural, but ew!
This is the strangest thing ever. If you wondering, yes, I do think it is really gross. Although it is gross, it is also very interesting. When we think of Starbucks drinks, we think of yummy drinks that normal people make. But in real life the strawberry drink is parasitic bugs????? I am really glad that I never drank that drink. It also has signs of harming people's health.
EEEEWWWW!!!!! I can not believe they used crushed beetles to make their drinks. It's no that there are killing their customers, but it's just not good from a marketing perspective. I mean, would you eat a drin with bugs in it? I know I wouldn't. I am just happy that I haven't drank anything that strawberry from Starbucks. Even though this is really gross, I am not surprised. They use so many weird things in the food industry to make things look cool or taste good. They use bugs in lipstick, gum, any flavored drinks and much more. They're not hurting anyone, but this is still super gross. Overall, cool, interesting, and suuuuuuuper gross.
This was interesting because it was so sad to learn that Starbucks is using this stuff, but many people already said it is in other stuff too like lipstick and although it is natural, it is gross because its beetles we are talking about. I agree with the people who said that there might be other ingredients in their other drinks.
Gross! I thought that like Jahan said when we think of Starbucks we think of just coffee makers but really they are using gross bug parts. I drank from Starbucks only once and I am never drinking from there again because of what Jim Olsen said they are not changing the product. All in all Starbucks in un vegan.
I think this is gross, but I agree with everyone who says its not a big deal. It doesn't matter what is in the drink, it just matters that you like it. If you had two cups of starbucks, one with the dye, one without, looks would be your only way of knowing the difference. But it's still weird to think that bugs are in a drink.
I think it's not a big deal that they're doing this. The dye is used in many other products, and I bet there are plenty of worse ingredients in the world. If the bugs aren't harming anybody except for people with asthma we shouldn't worry too much. Well, there are a lot of people with asthma, so I guess those people can worry about it.
A few things. First of all, this amazes me because of the fact that Starbucks always seems to insist that everything they make is organic and can not cause diseases or anything else that could harm some one. Also, I am never drinking any fruit drink from starbucks ever again. It does make you feel slightly odd that you have drunk drinks with parasitic bugs. It is slightly or more than slightly disturbing. I know that it is common for bug dye to be used, but I never thought that it could be used for making coffee drinks. I thought this article was very interesting and slightly sickening. A+.
This is disgusting, I think that Starbucks could have been more honest and told their customers what they have been putting in some of their drinks this whole time. Starbucks should change the ingredients used in some of their drinks or they will lose a lot of customers. If this is harmful to people with asthma, Starbucks will lose a lot of money, through either lawsuit or less customers.
GROSS! Why would they do that? Like Chloe said, why don't they use the natural dyes? Luckily, I only tok one sip of a Strawberry and Cream frappuccino... and I hated it (the caramel macchiato is better, I'm just saying). But the thing is a lot of products have the Cochineal dye which is gross. Why would you put crushed beetles in your product? I think Starbucks and those other products knew that they would have to admit it someday, but this was a bad marketing decision. Then again, why would they do that, though? There is probably a really good reason to this, I doubt they would put something that would gross out their customers and make the sales go down on purpose. One other thing to think about is that other products use it. If it was just Starbucks then I would wonder if it was just a bad marketing decision, but why would the other products use that? What is the point? I know, it is to dye their products, but is there another reason? I feel so bad for Taylor Swift though, she wears red lipstick (it's like one of the things she does often) and she didn't know what was in it :( How sad. Thank you whoever posted this for informing me that I shouldn't drink any strawberry drinks unless I want to drink crushed beetle juice.
I have heard that beetles make red dyes, I have also seen other products that use it. I do not think it is right to color food with beetles without notifying customers.
Red Skittles also contain color from crushed beetles.
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