Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unmarked Police Cars Lead to Dangers for Citizens

Brought to you by Jahan



Elena said...

It's funny to think about police "breaking the law" when they are supposed to be catching other people breaking the law. I wouldn't quite consider using "unmarked" cars, breaking the law, but it is dangerous. If you see an unmarked car speeding towards you, trying to get you to stop, you would be scared. Police are bringing danger on innocent citizens. What if the police were to get the person to stop, but the citizen didn't know they were a police officer? There are many problems linked with what these police are doing.

Emilynne☯ said...

I never thought about this that way. Intruding on private property is against the law, and the police are doing that. They're also using unmarked cars, which could potentially be used to murder someone. Technically they could be accused of this murder. I think Elena's right. The police are doing the wrong thing. This has got to change. People are getting hurt this way. Some of these things, I think, are just so they can give out more tickets. Although that does produce money, that's just going way too far.

Sabina☆❀❄❤ said...

I really never looked at this in this perspective. I would agree with everyone and say that using "unmarked" cars is against the law and dangerous, and as police, who should be setting a good example, should definitely not be doing that. Plus, if police continue this, people will no longer trust them. I agree with Elena. There are MANY problems with doing this. Ex: People may be driving completely normally and suddenly they see a car chasing after them, trying to get them to stop. There could also be a potentially big problem if the scenario happened vice verso. I think that the police should stop doing that because it is bringing danger to innocent citizens.

Eva said...

First of all, this article has nothing to do with science (but is still really cool). I liked it anyway, but I got a little bored reading the whole thing. Second, I can completely understand why this is important and crucial for people to write about, but I don't really think that children are very involved with this situation at the moment, and it sound like unmarked police cars are not in this area of the United States at the moment. But, now onto the article.
I agree with everybody above about the dangers of unmarked police cars. Not only is it a new idea for criminals and murderers to use unmarked police cars, some of the things real policemen and women do with the cars are against the law. Waiting on peoples' private property to give passing cars tickets is obviously against the law and definitely not right, along with purposely lowering the speed limit to give out more tickets to get money. I think that unmarked police cars are a horrible idea, whoever made them up, and a dangerous one, too.
I am glad that I now know about unmarked police cars, just in case I ever encounter one. I feel that it's important to be educated about the world and not hide the truth, such as that a man pretending to be a policeman in an unmarked police car killed two people. So, going back to the first subject, although this doesn't have to do with science, it's important to know what's going on, and I would definitely give this article an A++++++++++++++++++++++ if this was a news blog. :-)

Aiden said...

I didn't know the police were doing this, which probably makes sense because those things don't affect me. I think that it is right in some ways and wrong in some ways that the police are using unmarked cars. It would get more people caught doing bad things, because they wouldn't know that the car is a police car. Normally, if someone is speeding, for example, they would slow down if they see a cop car, but if they're speeding and there is an unmarked police car they wouldn't suspect police inside of the car and they probably won't slow down for the stranger car. On the other hand, if unmarked police cars become more common, normal people can put lights on a non-police vehicle and stop people from speeding or vandalizing or other bad things, like the article said. Also, if unmarked police cars become really common in the future, normal people could become paranoid and would not do anything wrong because of fear that an unmarked police car could be watching them. I think that this is a smart tactic for police men and women, but it can also cause tragedies like the one mentioned in the article.

Sammie :) said...

I never really thought about unmarked police cars this way. It's definitely true that marked cars make us more careful, and I think the dummy cars are a great idea.
However, like Emilynne said, unmarked cars have gotten people hurt. It's really easy for criminals to just get out onto the street in their car and hurt someone.
Overall, this article gave me a new insight, and I rate it an A.

Bianca :) said...

I never thought that people would do this before. That is why I think they should make a special car just for police officers. People should also be more careful when it comes to police now, because of the impersonators. The so called unmarked cars might change. The criminals might get tricky and copy the marked cars very carefully and make it hard to depict from each other. Also some guys might take a real police car and do the same. This is a scary yet interesting thought. How crime has gotten more advanced and the criminals have been getting smarter in the crimes they commit.

Bianca :) said...

I never thought that people would do this before. That is why I think they should make a special car just for police officers. People should also be more careful when it comes to police now, because of the impersonators. The so called unmarked cars might change. The criminals might get tricky and copy the marked cars very carefully and make it hard to depict from each other. Also some guys might take a real police car and do the same. This is a scary yet interesting thought. How crime has gotten more advanced and the criminals have been getting smarter in the crimes they commit.

Bianca :) said...

Disregard the 2nd one it is just a copy :)