I don't really see the point in this experiment. Yes, it was fun to watch a watermelon explode, but I didn't understand the meaning of what the guys were trying to do. It was a little confusing, considering I didn't understand the point.
That was insane. It was really cool how the liquid nitrogen could blow up the entire watermelon with such a boom! It was not very educational, but it was a fantastic video.
This video was interesting to watch but had no information on what they did, how they did it, what they used, and how the gas in the bottle worked and why it exploded. I would have liked to know those things before or in the middle of watching this video. It was pretty cool to watch the watermelon explode, but they didn't explain what they did or how. I give this article a B- for not having any information on what happened.
The video was really short and awesome, but it didn't really tell you about the science behind it. I would have liked to known how it happened. But, this is still really cool.
This video had no scientific meaning whatsoever. They didn't explain why the watermelon exploded or why the bottle slowly expanded and then blew up. This video had no educational facts, and I bet if you were there, the guys would have probably not known what they were doing. I can't believe the guy pouring the liquid nitrogen (which is like -200 or something degrees) had bare hands. He could have completely killed himself! I also think that the fact the guy is saying nothing can go wrong is wrong. They could kill themselves with such cold liquid. I give this video an A for coolness, but like a D for not having any educational value whatsoever.
Whoa! I can tell with my eyes closed that they used liquid nitrogen. That was awesome. And for those people who didn't understand, the liquid nitrogen was put in a bottle. The pressure built up and up and up and up, so the bottle exploded and the kinetic energy was transferred into the watermelon which exploded because of the energy transfer. Then the watermelon broke into pieces and the pieces flew off of the watermelon and landed on the ground. So cool. I rate it and A+++ even though it didn't have the info.
I'm not sure what this really taught any one yet is was really cool. Knowing that liquid nitrogen could do that to anything in an enclosed space with no oxygen is pretty cool. This was a fun video to watch, but it didn't have any information.
Wow. That was really cool. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Gracie. What in the world were they thinking?!?!? Bare hands + liquid nitrogen=not good. This video could have used a LOT more information. Why did the bottle expand? If it was pressure, why was there pressure? Do these guys know anything about liquid nitrogen? Although I think Gracie is wrong about the guy's remark (that nothing can go wrong), which is obviously sarcasm, she's right in other respects. I would probably give this video a B-, because of the lack of information and the huge safety risks.
OMG. That was so cool. I could se that bottle expanding. I wonder why that bottel exploded. I thought that licid nitrogen only really reacted with water. I also think that I agree with Emilynne and Gracie. Why would that guy say nothing could go wrong. What if something did go wrong. You could hurt someone pretty bad. Maybe even kill then. That would not be good.
I would call that video cool, but because it lacked information and I didn't understand it, I can't. First: Why did the nitrogen cause the watermelon to explode? Second: Are you CRAZY!? Working with nitrogen with bare hands. Do those people WANT something bad to happen? Unfortunately, I have to agree with Gracie. I didn't find anything scientific in this video. It's a really amazing video, but because it was so unimformative I will have to give it a B-.
It definitely lacks in educational content. It was great that the watermelon exploded, and that was fun to watch, but it didn't go into detail why. It just seems like it was a video of a fun party trick.
I agree with about everyone about it lacking information. It was cool and all, but it could have been more clear. I still don't know what he poured into the bottle, but I bet it was one of those explosive chemicals. THAT'S VERY SAFE!!! I think they went outside to do it because they didn't want to get watermelon bits all over his house. I think the video would have been more scientific if they had explained what they were pouring in that bottle.
I thought that this video was just plain cool. I don't think it needed any information. I definetely would like to try this. I thought it was so cool how the bottle expanded like a balloon. This needed no infromation because it was just plain fun. It is kind of like eating chocolate, it is fun and yummy does that need information, no. I really thought this was so cool and I would love to see more of it.
Great, cool experiment, but not a lot of science involved. Isn't liquid nitrogen really dangerous? How did they get the nitrogen for the experiment if it is as dangerous as the previous comments stated? I thought it was cool how much force that reaction let out. Watermelons are pretty big and heavy, and it seemed to break open easily. Fun video but not too science related.
This was amazing, but also quite dangerous and confusing. I am very confused. Why did it explode. Was there anything in the liquid nitrogen? And even so, how did it explode if it was actually INSIDE of the bottle. Wouldn't just the bottle explode? I didn't really understand why they did this with a dangerous thing like liquid nitrogen in this experiment. Isn't it toxic? You might want to get sick but all of us don't! They also didn't explain any science behind it or anything. They could have at least given us a little bit of context on what they were doing. Video Grades: Entertainment Grade: A+ Science Grade: B.
I agree with Elena. There really was no point to the video except for watching something explode which is not that scientific. On the other hand. It was an awesome video. OOOOMMMMMGGGGG. EXPLOSION! On the third hand (that does not really make sense), like the other science video, there was little to no explanation on how the experiment worked. I know it was caused by some chemical reaction, but what. How did it happen. What happened scientifically. It was not a well explained video. All in all, it was cool because of the boo, but I did not understand how it happened.
I agree with everyone. This video was pretty cool, but not educational at all. I also agree with Emilynne. Bare hands + liquid nitrogen usually adds up to not good, but apparently the people making the video didn't care about safety. It would have been a lot more educational if they gave a few facts, or at least explained what the were doing. Overall, I give this video an A in entertainment and relation to science and an F in giving facts.
Wait...what just happened? A bottle filled with liquid nitrogen just exploded a watermelon? WOW! This was really cool. It was really funny how the watermelon just went POOF! If you really payed attention to the bottle, it seemed to get bigger and bigger until the plastic couldn't withstand the pressure. If I was there, I would jest get a piece of the watermelon after the explosion. One thing that I would say that I didn't like that is there was no information of why this happened. There wasn't a "science lesson" to it, it was just a watermelon exploding. For that, I wouldn't call it totally educational. Overall, a really cool video.
Um...I don't exactly see the educational value of this experiment, but I do think that it was cool how the liquid nitrogen blew up the whole watermelon. I think they should have put some information so that people who didn't know what that was, would know what it is. Overall, this video gets a B+.
Whoah! I agree with everybody that there was not much educational value, but it was cool to see the liquid nitrogen expand inside the plastic bottle. I would have liked for the video to explained how the nitrogen atoms act when put in one place. I also didn't really understand the point of the video, but it was fun to see the watermelon explode! I wonder how the guy felt when he touched the really cold liquid nitrogen. It must hurt! This was a fun and short video, but had no science in it.
I think it is amazing that liquid nitrogen could blow up an entire watermelon. As Elle said, I think this video should have some educational factor incorporate in it,
I think this video did not show you enough. I agree with Elle, this video could have been more educational. But I have to admit that the liquid nitrogen blew up and entire watermelon was pretty cool.
I don't really see the point in this experiment. Yes, it was fun to watch a watermelon explode, but I didn't understand the meaning of what the guys were trying to do. It was a little confusing, considering I didn't understand the point.
That was insane. It was really cool how the liquid nitrogen could blow up the entire watermelon with such a boom! It was not very educational, but it was a fantastic video.
This video was interesting to watch but had no information on what they did, how they did it, what they used, and how the gas in the bottle worked and why it exploded. I would have liked to know those things before or in the middle of watching this video. It was pretty cool to watch the watermelon explode, but they didn't explain what they did or how. I give this article a B- for not having any information on what happened.
This was super cool!
The video was really short and awesome, but it didn't really tell you about the science behind it. I would have liked to known how it happened. But, this is still really cool.
This video had no scientific meaning whatsoever. They didn't explain why the watermelon exploded or why the bottle slowly expanded and then blew up. This video had no educational facts, and I bet if you were there, the guys would have probably not known what they were doing. I can't believe the guy pouring the liquid nitrogen (which is like -200 or something degrees) had bare hands. He could have completely killed himself! I also think that the fact the guy is saying nothing can go wrong is wrong. They could kill themselves with such cold liquid. I give this video an A for coolness, but like a D for not having any educational value whatsoever.
Whoa! I can tell with my eyes closed that they used liquid nitrogen. That was awesome. And for those people who didn't understand, the liquid nitrogen was put in a bottle. The pressure built up and up and up and up, so the bottle exploded and the kinetic energy was transferred into the watermelon which exploded because of the energy transfer. Then the watermelon broke into pieces and the pieces flew off of the watermelon and landed on the ground. So cool. I rate it and A+++ even though it didn't have the info.
I'm not sure what this really taught any one yet is was really cool. Knowing that liquid nitrogen could do that to anything in an enclosed space with no oxygen is pretty cool. This was a fun video to watch, but it didn't have any information.
Wow. That was really cool. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Gracie. What in the world were they thinking?!?!? Bare hands + liquid nitrogen=not good. This video could have used a LOT more information. Why did the bottle expand? If it was pressure, why was there pressure? Do these guys know anything about liquid nitrogen? Although I think Gracie is wrong about the guy's remark (that nothing can go wrong), which is obviously sarcasm, she's right in other respects. I would probably give this video a B-, because of the lack of information and the huge safety risks.
Sophia said,
OMG. That was so cool. I could se that bottle expanding. I wonder why that bottel exploded. I thought that licid nitrogen only really reacted with water. I also think that I agree with Emilynne and Gracie. Why would that guy say nothing could go wrong. What if something did go wrong. You could hurt someone pretty bad. Maybe even kill then. That would not be good.
I would call that video cool, but because it lacked information and I didn't understand it, I can't. First: Why did the nitrogen cause the watermelon to explode? Second: Are you CRAZY!? Working with nitrogen with bare hands. Do those people WANT something bad to happen? Unfortunately, I have to agree with Gracie. I didn't find anything scientific in this video. It's a really amazing video, but because it was so unimformative I will have to give it a B-.
It definitely lacks in educational content. It was great that the watermelon exploded, and that was fun to watch, but it didn't go into detail why. It just seems like it was a video of a fun party trick.
I agree with about everyone about it lacking information. It was cool and all, but it could have been more clear. I still don't know what he poured into the bottle, but I bet it was one of those explosive chemicals. THAT'S VERY SAFE!!! I think they went outside to do it because they didn't want to get watermelon bits all over his house. I think the video would have been more scientific if they had explained what they were pouring in that bottle.
I thought that this video was just plain cool. I don't think it needed any information. I definetely would like to try this. I thought it was so cool how the bottle expanded like a balloon. This needed no infromation because it was just plain fun. It is kind of like eating chocolate, it is fun and yummy does that need information, no. I really thought this was so cool and I would love to see more of it.
To Stanford: They were pouring liquid nitrogen into the bottle.
Great, cool experiment, but not a lot of science involved. Isn't liquid nitrogen really dangerous? How did they get the nitrogen for the experiment if it is as dangerous as the previous comments stated? I thought it was cool how much force that reaction let out. Watermelons are pretty big and heavy, and it seemed to break open easily. Fun video but not too science related.
This was amazing, but also quite dangerous and confusing. I am very confused. Why did it explode. Was there anything in the liquid nitrogen? And even so, how did it explode if it was actually INSIDE of the bottle. Wouldn't just the bottle explode? I didn't really understand why they did this with a dangerous thing like liquid nitrogen in this experiment. Isn't it toxic? You might want to get sick but all of us don't! They also didn't explain any science behind it or anything. They could have at least given us a little bit of context on what they were doing. Video Grades: Entertainment Grade: A+ Science Grade: B.
I agree with Elena. There really was no point to the video except for watching something explode which is not that scientific. On the other hand. It was an awesome video. OOOOMMMMMGGGGG. EXPLOSION! On the third hand (that does not really make sense), like the other science video, there was little to no explanation on how the experiment worked. I know it was caused by some chemical reaction, but what. How did it happen. What happened scientifically. It was not a well explained video. All in all, it was cool because of the boo, but I did not understand how it happened.
I agree with everyone. This video was pretty cool, but not educational at all. I also agree with Emilynne. Bare hands + liquid nitrogen usually adds up to not good, but apparently the people making the video didn't care about safety. It would have been a lot more educational if they gave a few facts, or at least explained what the were doing. Overall, I give this video an A in entertainment and relation to science and an F in giving facts.
Wait...what just happened? A bottle filled with liquid nitrogen just exploded a watermelon? WOW! This was really cool. It was really funny how the watermelon just went POOF! If you really payed attention to the bottle, it seemed to get bigger and bigger until the plastic couldn't withstand the pressure. If I was there, I would jest get a piece of the watermelon after the explosion. One thing that I would say that I didn't like that is there was no information of why this happened. There wasn't a "science lesson" to it, it was just a watermelon exploding. For that, I wouldn't call it totally educational. Overall, a really cool video.
Um...I don't exactly see the educational value of this experiment, but I do think that it was cool how the liquid nitrogen blew up the whole watermelon. I think they should have put some information so that people who didn't know what that was, would know what it is. Overall, this video gets a B+.
Whoah! I agree with everybody that there was not much educational value, but it was cool to see the liquid nitrogen expand inside the plastic bottle. I would have liked for the video to explained how the nitrogen atoms act when put in one place. I also didn't really understand the point of the video, but it was fun to see the watermelon explode! I wonder how the guy felt when he touched the really cold liquid nitrogen. It must hurt! This was a fun and short video, but had no science in it.
I think it is amazing that liquid nitrogen could blow up an entire watermelon. As Elle said, I think this video should have some educational factor incorporate in it,
I think this video did not show you enough. I agree with Elle, this video could have been more educational. But I have to admit that the liquid nitrogen blew up and entire watermelon was pretty cool.
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