This is so cool! I didn't finish the article, but I am very interested. The video of that fox is just so cute, I could watch it a billion times over and not get bored. I can't believe that there is a place where they actually domesticate foxes for people to have as pets. I was super excited about getting a pet fox, since they are so adorable, but, then I saw that somebody took the foxes from the US border and put them in a zoo, which made my disappointed. I probably couldn't handle having a pet fox anyway, since they probably eat rabbits and stuff. That leads perfectly into my next point, being: What are some basic necessities that foxes need? What kinds of food do they eat? Do they eat like dogs or do actually have to give them live prey? That would be a reason not to adopt a fox. Are they like monkeys, where you can't leave them alone or get really upset? How hard would it be to have one? I definitely would think it was really cool if people started adopting foxes. I just wish people could find out more about them. I wonder where the place in Indiana is getting their animals...I mean arctic foxes and Kinkabous... Anyways, I would love to learn more about cool pets that you could potentially have.
This is an amazing article. I can't believe that at one time I could have owned a pet fox. I know... they eat some animals that I can't stand to see be killed but still, I want one. Sadly, I probably wouldn't be able to have a pet fox, one of the reasons being my mom being scared of any animal that isn't tamed or wasn't wiled before we get it. I am serious. When I went to Sri Lanka, we were at a beach and there are many stray dogs in Sri Lanka. So anyways, we were at the beach and there was a three legged dog. It was a helpless three legged dog, and I felt sorry for it. On the other hand, my mom quickly got a stick and ran behind a bush. Now, that was a stray, three legged dog, I cannot imagine her being happy with keeping a fox. Anyways, I think it would be cool if people had foxes as pets. Another thing that would be cool is if someone I knew had a pet fox, so I would be able to go to their house and just pet it. Yah... That would be cooooolll. <--Yahhhhh. Ok back to the point, I really liked the article and the video. The fox was so cute, foxes are one of my favorite animals. My favorite fox is the arctic fox. It is so cute and if you look up a picture of one there would most likely be at least one where the fox is in the snow. It blends in so well and it has a protective coat and the coat keeps it warm. Snow is one of my favorite THINGS and I just wish I was an arctic fox just because it can stay in the snow for hours and not get cold. I wonder if they have snowball fights with each other (obviously not but it would be cool.) I keep on getting sidetracked, where was I... Oh yah. The video of the fox was so cute. Does it say what fox it was because I don't remember and I am too lazy to go back. Also, is that fox wild? If it is, wow. I know the whole article is about how foxes are domestic and you are able to keep one as a pet but I just think it is pretty neat that he didn't bite her. Ok well yah. Oh one more thing. Don't stop loving Taylor Swift, Miss Ghazarian ;)
I know the article said that we would do this, but I want one! They are so cute. I think the article was right. We want to cuddle with foxes. Unfortunately, I don't think I could handle a pet. I already have one, and he genuinely hates me. But that has noting whatsoever to do with this. Like Izzy, I wonder what they eat. Can they eat dog food? If not, is there fox food or something? I wouldn't want a fox if you had to feed it rabbits. Foxes would probably be very hard to get, because it's illegal for them to cross the border or something. Like Izzy, I think it would be super cool if people started adopting foxes. Also, and this is for you Savi, the dog was NOT wild and it was a red fox. Also, um, is that place in Indiana actually operating under, like, laws? Because whatever a kinabou is, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to have it. Also, I mean really, their pet laws are just horrible. You decide to send a letter to 25 neighbors. This letter is the only thing standing between them and a grizzly bear. Then again, I don't think any of the neighbors would want a grizzly bear on the block. Overall this article was great. A-.
Wow! This was a really cool article! Anya the fox is so cute! I bet it took a long time to breed the foxes so that they can become domesticated enough. It must be a bit harder to get a fox rather than a dog because the foxes have to be "cuddly" and bred to be nicer and not bite like a fox in the wild. Like the other posts, I wonder how hard it is to take care of a fox, because you might have to feed them other food than your typical dog food, and they might not get the same treatment as dogs so it would be hard to find a vet with the knowledge to treat foxes. I like this article and again, the fox is so cute!
Wow! I think it's so cool that people can have pet foxes (and leopards; I think that policy in Indiana is kind of weird)! The video of Anya the fox was SOOO cute! Omg I want one ;)
I've always thought foxes are really cool, and I think it's amazing that they have been domesticated to act like dogs. Like Izzy and Savi said, I wouldn't want my pet fox to kill all the birds, squirrels, and occasional rat or weasel in my backyard. If I have to give them live prey every night, well . . . I don't think I could handle it. If they can eat kibble or something like that, I think that they are some of the coolest pets ever. I have been begging for a dog for six years straight, but now I think a fox would be even better, cuddlier, and (possibly most importantly) fluffier.
I think is is pretty cool people can have a fox as a pet. In my opinion foxes are pretty neat and because they have been domesticated to act a certain way. The video of the fox is absolutely adorable. Like the girl said in the video..."look at that face!" I agree with Izzy, I would be pretty sad if my fox was to be taken away and put in a zoo. Also, I agree that the policy in Indiana is a little weird. I would love to have a fox, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. I would not like to feed them living animals. Also, $8,000 is a lot of money for a pet. I know it is a fox and they are special, but still it is a lot of money. $8,000 doesn't include their food, shelter and their basic needs which are really important. You would probably end up spending another $2,000 a year...(food everyday)
Overall, I give this article a B+ I would love to look into this more.
I found this article really interesting and cute. Probably like most people, here it goes... I want one! They're so cute! I would most likely be able to handle a pet fox, when I would be around 16. But I know that there's a lot more to it than to say, "I want one!" I know from experience that taking care of a pet is a lot of hard work, and before you get one, you have to do research on the pet you're thinking of getting so that you know if you can handle it. You also have to know what kind food they eat, if they can swim, if they can climb stairs, and basically all the things that they need to feel comfortable and at home. Plus, it would probably be really hard getting one, because the article said that there have been orders for them but they were never given to the buyers. One more thing- What in the world is going on in Indonesia? Do they have laws? I really hope that that place in Indonesia's residents understand the difference between a puppy and a grizzly bear. I mean, they probably do, but still, what if they don't? What if some dim-witted person tries to adopt a bobcat? For a normal civilian, it would probably very hard (if not impossible) to tame a bobcat. Overall, I would give this article an A+, because it's pretty cool.
Wow! I never would have known that I could have actually owned a pet fox! To be honest, I agree with Izzy. I'm not exactly sure where I would get everything that the fox would need for survival. I mean, I don't even know what they eat! On another hand, I'm surprised that the fox didn't bit the women in the video... AND THE VIDEO WAS ADORABLE!!! Well, that's all for now.
I used to think that a fox would make a really cool pet, so I am glad they have domesticated them. I think that foxes can become great pets and be very popular in the near(ish) future. I thought that the video was really cute. The only reason why I wouldn't want a fox is because it would probably eat Marco (my cat) and Moxie (my other cat, shy, ironically) and the fact that I don't think I could care for it. It would need lots of food and water. I don't think I can afford enough food or water to support a fox, so I don't see ME getting a fox soon (if ever).
I need a fox right now or else I will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those foxes are the most adorable things in the history of things ever in the universe of universes. The most funny part was how they said, "All you need is 8,000 dollars" I was like yeah we all have that hanging around in our pockets.
This is so cool! I didn't finish the article, but I am very interested. The video of that fox is just so cute, I could watch it a billion times over and not get bored. I can't believe that there is a place where they actually domesticate foxes for people to have as pets. I was super excited about getting a pet fox, since they are so adorable, but, then I saw that somebody took the foxes from the US border and put them in a zoo, which made my disappointed. I probably couldn't handle having a pet fox anyway, since they probably eat rabbits and stuff. That leads perfectly into my next point, being: What are some basic necessities that foxes need? What kinds of food do they eat? Do they eat like dogs or do actually have to give them live prey? That would be a reason not to adopt a fox. Are they like monkeys, where you can't leave them alone or get really upset? How hard would it be to have one? I definitely would think it was really cool if people started adopting foxes. I just wish people could find out more about them.
I wonder where the place in Indiana is getting their animals...I mean arctic foxes and Kinkabous...
Anyways, I would love to learn more about cool pets that you could potentially have.
This was just awesome!
This is an amazing article. I can't believe that at one time I could have owned a pet fox. I know... they eat some animals that I can't stand to see be killed but still, I want one. Sadly, I probably wouldn't be able to have a pet fox, one of the reasons being my mom being scared of any animal that isn't tamed or wasn't wiled before we get it. I am serious. When I went to Sri Lanka, we were at a beach and there are many stray dogs in Sri Lanka. So anyways, we were at the beach and there was a three legged dog. It was a helpless three legged dog, and I felt sorry for it. On the other hand, my mom quickly got a stick and ran behind a bush. Now, that was a stray, three legged dog, I cannot imagine her being happy with keeping a fox. Anyways, I think it would be cool if people had foxes as pets. Another thing that would be cool is if someone I knew had a pet fox, so I would be able to go to their house and just pet it. Yah... That would be cooooolll. <--Yahhhhh. Ok back to the point, I really liked the article and the video. The fox was so cute, foxes are one of my favorite animals. My favorite fox is the arctic fox. It is so cute and if you look up a picture of one there would most likely be at least one where the fox is in the snow. It blends in so well and it has a protective coat and the coat keeps it warm. Snow is one of my favorite THINGS and I just wish I was an arctic fox just because it can stay in the snow for hours and not get cold. I wonder if they have snowball fights with each other (obviously not but it would be cool.) I keep on getting sidetracked, where was I... Oh yah. The video of the fox was so cute. Does it say what fox it was because I don't remember and I am too lazy to go back. Also, is that fox wild? If it is, wow. I know the whole article is about how foxes are domestic and you are able to keep one as a pet but I just think it is pretty neat that he didn't bite her. Ok well yah. Oh one more thing. Don't stop loving Taylor Swift, Miss Ghazarian ;)
I know the article said that we would do this, but I want one! They are so cute. I think the article was right. We want to cuddle with foxes. Unfortunately, I don't think I could handle a pet. I already have one, and he genuinely hates me. But that has noting whatsoever to do with this. Like Izzy, I wonder what they eat. Can they eat dog food? If not, is there fox food or something? I wouldn't want a fox if you had to feed it rabbits. Foxes would probably be very hard to get, because it's illegal for them to cross the border or something. Like Izzy, I think it would be super cool if people started adopting foxes. Also, and this is for you Savi, the dog was NOT wild and it was a red fox. Also, um, is that place in Indiana actually operating under, like, laws? Because whatever a kinabou is, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to have it. Also, I mean really, their pet laws are just horrible. You decide to send a letter to 25 neighbors. This letter is the only thing standing between them and a grizzly bear. Then again, I don't think any of the neighbors would want a grizzly bear on the block. Overall this article was great. A-.
Wow! This was a really cool article! Anya the fox is so cute! I bet it took a long time to breed the foxes so that they can become domesticated enough. It must be a bit harder to get a fox rather than a dog because the foxes have to be "cuddly" and bred to be nicer and not bite like a fox in the wild. Like the other posts, I wonder how hard it is to take care of a fox, because you might have to feed them other food than your typical dog food, and they might not get the same treatment as dogs so it would be hard to find a vet with the knowledge to treat foxes. I like this article and again, the fox is so cute!
Wow! I think it's so cool that people can have pet foxes (and leopards; I think that policy in Indiana is kind of weird)! The video of Anya the fox was SOOO cute! Omg I want one ;)
I've always thought foxes are really cool, and I think it's amazing that they have been domesticated to act like dogs. Like Izzy and Savi said, I wouldn't want my pet fox to kill all the birds, squirrels, and occasional rat or weasel in my backyard. If I have to give them live prey every night, well . . . I don't think I could handle it. If they can eat kibble or something like that, I think that they are some of the coolest pets ever. I have been begging for a dog for six years straight, but now I think a fox would be even better, cuddlier, and (possibly most importantly) fluffier.
This was a great article! I rate it an A+.
I think is is pretty cool people can have a fox as a pet. In my opinion foxes are pretty neat and because they have been domesticated to act a certain way. The video of the fox is absolutely adorable. Like the girl said in the video..."look at that face!" I agree with Izzy, I would be pretty sad if my fox was to be taken away and put in a zoo. Also, I agree that the policy in Indiana is a little weird. I would love to have a fox, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. I would not like to feed them living animals. Also, $8,000 is a lot of money for a pet. I know it is a fox and they are special, but still it is a lot of money. $8,000 doesn't include their food, shelter and their basic needs which are really important. You would probably end up spending another $2,000 a year...(food everyday)
Overall, I give this article a B+
I would love to look into this more.
I found this article really interesting and cute. Probably like most people, here it goes... I want one! They're so cute! I would most likely be able to handle a pet fox, when I would be around 16. But I know that there's a lot more to it than to say, "I want one!" I know from experience that taking care of a pet is a lot of hard work, and before you get one, you have to do research on the pet you're thinking of getting so that you know if you can handle it. You also have to know what kind food they eat, if they can swim, if they can climb stairs, and basically all the things that they need to feel comfortable and at home. Plus, it would probably be really hard getting one, because the article said that there have been orders for them but they were never given to the buyers.
One more thing- What in the world is going on in Indonesia? Do they have laws? I really hope that that place in Indonesia's residents understand the difference between a puppy and a grizzly bear. I mean, they probably do, but still, what if they don't? What if some dim-witted person tries to adopt a bobcat? For a normal civilian, it would probably very hard (if not impossible) to tame a bobcat.
Overall, I would give this article an A+, because it's pretty cool.
Wow! I never would have known that I could have actually owned a pet fox! To be honest, I agree with Izzy. I'm not exactly sure where I would get everything that the fox would need for survival. I mean, I don't even know what they eat! On another hand, I'm surprised that the fox didn't bit the women in the video... AND THE VIDEO WAS ADORABLE!!! Well, that's all for now.
I used to think that a fox would make a really cool pet, so I am glad they have domesticated them. I think that foxes can become great pets and be very popular in the near(ish) future. I thought that the video was really cute. The only reason why I wouldn't want a fox is because it would probably eat Marco (my cat) and Moxie (my other cat, shy, ironically) and the fact that I don't think I could care for it. It would need lots of food and water. I don't think I can afford enough food or water to support a fox, so I don't see ME getting a fox soon (if ever).
This article gets and A
I need a fox right now or else I will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those foxes are the most adorable things in the history of things ever in the universe of universes. The most funny part was how they said, "All you need is 8,000 dollars" I was like yeah we all have that hanging around in our pockets.
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