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This image of Mercury’s north pole region shows areas in shadow (red)
according to new MESSENGER data and the location of bright spots
(yellow) that are likely exposed ice deposits.
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington/National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Arecibo Observatory
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington/National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Arecibo Observatory
I think that that was pretty interesting. I mean, ice on Mercury seems a little impossible at first, because it is so close to the son. But when I realized that it was deep inside of Mercury, it started to make a little more sense. It does not get ice cold in the middle of Earth because of the Earth's core, which keeps the inside really hot. So it is pretty safe to say that Mercury has no core whatsoever. But what would be fascinating to know is how the ice got there. They said it was from a meteor, which is pretty likely. But the fact that it gets so cold near the north pole is very interesting. Overall, that was pretty cool.
I think this is pretty incredible. It can spark up so many new ideas for NASA. I heard this on the news a few days ago and thought life on another planet is so cool. Becausue we found ice on one planet, it could mean water on other planets and galaxys that we don't know about. I wonder how the ice got there in the first place. In the article they said it could be from a meteor, which is probably the case. But maybe the ice could have spread and there could be ice on other planets. Overall I think this is really cool and would be worth researching.
This was one of the most interesting articles I have ever read. Although the fact that life on Mercury is highly unlikely, the realization that some form of nutrition or something that life depends on is there is an amazing discovery. The fact that we might be able to find out how life was started on Earth, or any other planets, if we find life on them, is probably the best news science has heard. We have plenty of theories like the Big Bang with evolution coming after, for religious people we have God: all in all, we don't really have a straight answer. We think we do, and everyone thinks that, but what if we finally realize that we're wrong about so many things, like that there's no life on any other planets, other than Earth, or that Twinkies really do last forever, which they don't (or do they?)? I have a good feeling that if one mystery is uncovered, the rest will be, too, and the whole world will want to find them.
I think that this is a really big event that is probably going to change a lot for these scientist. If there is water on the planet closest to the sun, there could be very little amounts of life there. I was always very curious about why people would say that there is no life on other planets. I mean, I know there are probably not humans or "aliens" out in space, but if you think about it, there could be the bacteria that have been on earth for billions of years, and the bacteria that can live in EXTREME conditions. If Mercury is this hot, I'm sure they could stand it. I also think that they could be life on this planet some day because if you think about the technology we have come to today, I think that they could make a tent or a house or something that could resist that heat, making it able for some scientist to go out there and live there. Then that would change everything for the people that work at NASA, and the scientists that are searching for life elsewhere. They could live on Mercury for a couple days or so, and bring all the things they would need for those few days. I have also been VERY curious to find out if there is life n in other planets or galaxies even, that have humans just like us, that we never knew about. What if there are, and they are doing the same things as us. What if they too, have access to technology like this and is searching for life on other planets. I think that could be very cool if we did find living organisms as developed as us in other planets! It would also be really interesting to find out how life on this planet was formed! We have such a developed planet and I always wonder how it came to be. Overall, I think that this could really change the face of science, and that we could discover a lot from this.
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