Friday, January 25, 2013

DNA - The Double Helix - Interactive

Brought to you by Jahan


Ethan said...

I think that this game was ok. It is just you try to see how fast you can connect the DNA. If I was the creator of this game I would give it something else like every time you get something wrong you need to answer a trivia question. That would make the game so much harder and better because you would learn from it and you would get to play a game. If I could rate this game on a scale from 1-10 10 being the best I would give it a 3.7.

Sammie said...

This game was very confusing. It didn't give any directions about what you have to do. I also didn't understand how you were supposed to figure out what organism the DNA belonged to. I think the creators of this game could have elaborated more on how to play. Overall I would give this game a C-.

Kallie said...

I agree with Ethan that it was just trying to see how fast you could connect the DNA and should have asked you a trivia question for each wrong or missed pair. I also agree with Sammie that it was confusing because it didn't give any directions. And Sammie, the way to figure out the organism that the DNA belonged to was that there was information about how many chromosomes, base pairs, and genes your organism had on the right, and there was the same info when you clicked on the organism. Overall, I think the makers of this game could have really improved it. On a scale of 1-10, I would give this game a 4.

Bryan said...

This game was alright. It didn't really teach you anything about DNA. All you had to do is memorize which letter goes which and do that on the DNA. It was also going way too fast for me to actually put the DNA on. It was not very interesting because it doesn't give any information, it just gives you which one goes with which. It isn't the best game I ever played, but it has potential. Overall, ok but kind of boring.