Thursday, January 17, 2013

Four-Winged Dinosaur

Brought to you by Jahan

The hind wings on this four-winged dino helped it navigate tight turns, scientists say in a new study. 
Credit: 3-D reconstruction by David Krentz


Dylan said...

This was a very interesting article from the start! It is amazing that a four-winged dinosaur that lived 130 million years ago was found. I also learned that keeping two wings hidden away when moving straight ahead would have made the dinosaur more aerodynamic. I learned the words aerodynamic and biplane from the article. During the article I thought to myself "if a dinosaur can make sharp turns with a certain amount of wings, why can't anything?" Why don't they give planes four wings or a unicorn four wings? I thought this was a very interesting article.

Emilynne☯ said...

Cool! I never thought that anything could have four wings. Also, I wonder where along the line those wings got lost. A few birds probably evolved from this species, so when on the evolutionary timeline did the extra wings disappear? Also, what were the dinosaur's predators? Did they have four wings? Did the dinosaur actually need four wings to survive? I would really like to know more. Also, to answer Dylan's question, they can't give planes four wings. The wings would need to be flapped. Airplanes fly by gliding. The wings never flap. Even if you DID put hind wings on, they would just be extra weight. They wouldn't flap or move, and they would need to open and close for them to be any use. And, as for the unicorn, give it four wings if you want! It's an imaginary creature. You could give it 1,000,000 wings, though you would probably not want to do that. All in all, I really liked this article.

Bianca :) said...

This is fascinating! I also wonder like Emilynne when and where along the line of time did the four wings adapt to two wings.What kind of sharp turns would the bird be making? Would it help birds today if they adapted 4 wings?

Nicholas said...

That was awesome! This article not also had a great purpose, but I learned a lot. What is really interesting is that why aren't there a lot of species like this. Evolution would probably make more wings, not less. Overall, that was a very interesting article.

Anonymous said...

Sophia said,

I think that this is cool that a dino had four wings. I know that the scientists have their ideas but I was wondering if there oculd have been somthing with the fossil. I know that it is impossible but could it be possible that the dino had moved halfway in the fossil progress. I know it's crazy but if the dino did move wouldn't it cause the dino to make a second imprint and cause the wings to double?

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I never knew that dinosaurs could have four wings. I agree with Emilynne that I wonder when did the birds that evolved from the four-winged dinosaurs lose their hind wings?
Actually, there might be a species of bird that has four wings, but that species might just be extinct or not have been discovered.
I think that even though the extra wings helped the dinosaur to make sharp turns, they slowed down the dinosaur's forward flight. I think that if the hind wings were a little smaller so they didn't weigh as much, the four-winged dinosaur would be the most advantaged flying reptile.

By the way, Dylan and Emilynne, unicorns don't have any wings. It would be cool to give a pegasus four wings, but unicorns never even had two wings.

Sammie said...

The last comment was posted by Sammie.

Josh said...

I think that this was a fascinating article. The only thing I wonder is why it had an extra set of wings, when it could just have feathers that make it aerodynamic. I just want to know how small it is, because its name had the prefix, micro in it. If it is that small, how was it discovered?

Kyle said...

I think this is a really cool topic, considering the dinosaur could practically choose if it wanted to be aerodynamic or if it just wanted to have more airtime. But why would it be so hard to tell if it flapped it's wings or not? Couldn't we look at the erosion or something of the shoulders? But still, this is pretty cool. I remember every dinosaur book I've ever read, it would say, "When you look up at a bird, you're seeing a de-evolved dinosaur." ':)

Aiden said...

Cool article! I think that the fact that the dinosaur could fly safely while keeping track of four wings is pretty cool. Wait, if the dinosaur has four wings, not two wings, then where did it evolve from? Was there some normal dinosaur that started to grow two more wings? Or maybe it evolved from som other type of four-winged creature. I'm not sure where dinosaurs evolved from. It was interesting to get a view of what scientists thought of the four wings: some thought they were used like biplanes, some thought they were used normally, some thought they were tucked under the belly most of the time, etc. I actually agree more with the wings being used normally, like the front set of wings, not like what the scientists eventually settled on. Why would a creature have an extra set of wings just to tuck it under it's body and not use them?

Sabina☆❀❄❤ said...

Amazing! I never knew that there was a dinosaur with four wings. And, like Emilynne said, most likely a lot of birds evolved from these species, but somewhere, and somehow, these wings disappeared. I am also wondering if these wings were really that useful. I mean, did they stop predators from hunting these dinosaurs and eating them? Did they do any other beneficial tasks for the dinosaurs?
Overall, I think that this article is really interesting and I would like to know more about it.

Ian said...

I think that all the things in this article were cool to think about. I wonder if there were actually creatures with four wings. Maybe it could be the wings of a different bird that has a similar bone structure in the wings.

Adam said...

This article was pretty interesting because who knew that so long ago there were "flying dinosaurs" with 2 pairs of wings. I give this article a B.

Miles said...

This article is amazing. I would have never guessed a dinosaur would have 4 wings. I wonder what it really used its 2 extra wings for. I dont think the dinosaur would need 2 extra wings just for making sharp turns. I think there is something else they use them for, like attacking their prey. I thought this article was very interesting.