Brought to you by Finn
In this photo released by Tsunemi Kubodera, a
researcher with Japan's National Science Museum, a giant squid attacking
a bait squid is pulled up by his research team off the Ogasawara
Islands, south of Tokyo, on December 4, 2006.
Photograph courtesy Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Science Museum of Japan/AP
This was really cool. Previously, we only thought of their existence by carcasses that washed up onto shore. But now, we saw them in REAL life, an unbelievable discovery. It is amazing how the scientists were so smart and built a jellyfish camera that could film the giant squid. It is amazing how the squid was so smart but was not smart enough to detect the camera. We discovered that the squid does exist, and it is not some phony thing that a person built. We saw proof of the giant squid, which is an amazing discovery. We think that some animals are fake, but if we keep on doing this, we might be able to find animals that might seem fake, but could be real. If this were not so expensive, we could make millions of these types of cameras and catch videos and pictures of animals that could seem extinct or not even real. All in all, I rate this blog post an A+ for science, but A- for the video. Great blog link.
Ok, we can lal agree that this is awesome. Can you imagine seeing such a curious animal the size of a house...or even bigger? This is crazy! I would love to see more videos on these animals.
Like Jahan said, scientists have only found dead Giant Squids, which makes them even more special. Their eyes are the size of your head and they are 2-4 stories tall...I'm amazed. I am just soooooooo interested. I would love to see more things about the Giant Squid.
This video was pretty interesting because we have all probably heard of a "giant squid" that sucks down ships in the middle of the ocean but now to see that it really exists is pretty amazing. It was so cool when they got the video of it spreading its tentacles around the fake jellyfish. They said that the squid was the size of a 3-4 story building. If you look at your house and then add 2 or three more on top of it then just imagine a squid that big. Imagine yourself swimming in the ocean and then a giant, moving apartment building with eight huge arms with thousands of suction cups flailing around you and it could kill you in a split second. This article over all was pretty interesting. I give it an A-.
This was a great video! I had no idea there was actually such a thing! I enjoyed watching this mysterious creature swim around and touch the "jellyfish" with its tentacles. The giant squid is so amazing because they are mysterious, haven't been explored very much, and are really big, being as tall as as a 3 story building. Like the other recent posts, not seeing them alive and rarely seeing them makes them so much more special. I wonder if they are found in others places than Japan and if they are endangered creatures. I would love to know more about this wonderful animal and this a great video!
Wow. I know why they call it "giant" squid. They are not exaggerating. The squid was really cool. I especially liked the shot where you could see its beak. I just can't believe how big it is. It's just so hard to imagine a squid bigger than my house. I agree with Adam when he says that it could kill you in a split second. We've only seen dead carcasses of this thing until now, and now we can learn so much more about them. A dead thing can only tell you so much. I think that the jellyfish was very clever. This video was just so cool. I would give it an A. Thank you, Finn!
Whoa. GIant squid. I thought it was interesting that they used flashing lights for bait and that it worked. What a gullible creature. The fact that we discovered that the giant squid exists is a big step forward in civilization.
This was pretty legit (that was for Natasha ;)} I can only think of an animal so big! Like Adam said, I love how they it is like a fairytale creature come to life. And the fact that it is so huge leaves me in a shock state! Overall I give this article an A.
We know this creature exists because we have dead specimens of it. I also saw this on the science channel because this was the first time they caught the giant beast alive on camera. Was that a full grown squid? Because I mean I would have to know the safe distance the people were at but that did not look like a squid the size of a 4 story building. But that squid has an eyeball the size of a basketball why didn't it see the camera? Did they just blend into the back round so the squid didn't notice or were they too far away? How far do have to be to be safe from a giant squid? And where do they primarily live? We have found specimens all over the world so where do they live? I imagine in the deep trenches in the mariana maybe. But they found one in Japan? Scientists have a lot to find out about the giant squid.
I did not know squids could grow to 26 feet. I think the electric jellyfish was a very smart luring device, and it worked very well. I think this squid would be at the top of the food chain, due to its size. I think that calling the squid an alien is inaccurate, calling it a cephalopod is a more accurate name. I think that this video was very interesting and I look forward to learning about this squid when it is studied.
OH...MY..GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! That was epic! I always used to think that things like that were fictional or were ancient, but now this has prived me wrong. It is so cool how the eye of the squid looks almost exactly like a human eye. And its the size of our heads. A squid that is 26 feet long? That is CRAZY TOWN!!!! A super duper awesome post. A+++
That was cool. I knew that some sort of giant squids had to exist, but I was expecting 10-15 feet. But 26 feet! That is truly amazing. And Weston, I do not think that it is gullible. It has been trained to do that. We were the one who messed with his habitat. But it was great that we got real evidence of them living not just dead carcasses. Overall, a great video.
I think that this is a very cool squid! I have never heard of an octopus that big! I didn't think it looked that big in the video, and I was skeptical about the real size of the octopus. I think it is also cool that they have only found dead ones, so finding this must've been really cool for them.
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